Steem School Episode 57 - To Become a Witness or Not

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

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Have you thought about becoming a witness but you are not sure if you want to become one or not?

Then this is the perfect post for you because I am currently becoming a witness and it is a very frustrating process.

The guides out there give you the illusion that it is easy but after carefully reading them you will see that it is far from easy.

And it will get even worse when you apply them because you will get tons of errors and you will have no clue how to fix them. You will have no clue what the commands are to go from a to b. You will feel helpless.

And I can tell you with absolute certainty that you will make losses in the first month.

You will depend on other people to help you because finding solutions via Google is just as worse as typing commands in putty.

Furthermore, you will have to pay at least 70$ for the minimum requirements (without 2 servers you will not get good votes). The top 20 witnesses pay around 200-500 dollars every month to pay their servers.

So you will have to learn how to code, you will have to pay a lot of cash and you will have to participate more in the community than the average Steemian.

Something honest: I don't like how Jerry presents himself, but my respect for him has grown quite much, he is doing a lot for his cash and he doesn't care about the haters that constantly harass him and he does a lot for the community.

You will have to find ways to promote Steemit, to improve Steemit and to grow the community.

All this together requires a smart dedicated person that has patience, willpower, discipline and perseverance.

Witnessing is far from easy, in fact, it is 10x harder than learning Photoshop or video editing.

It is harder than creating a website too, being a witness is hard and as you people know everything that is hard to get has high value. That is why every witness gets my respect.

So the answer to "to become a witness or not" depends on you.

Can you live with paying 70-500 dollar per month? Do you have the discipline, patience and endurance to learn the most boring shit in the world (Linux)? Do you know how to improve Steemit and do you interact with the community on a daily basis?

Then become a witness, there is nothing better that you can do for Steemit as a whole.

And that is what I have learned about witnessing after trying to set up the servers without errors for around 15 hours now.

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Linux sucks to learn but it also provides many benefits once you learn it, and there are many ppl willing to help you out in the linux, ubuntu, etc... forums.
MY last laptop had a cpu problem somthing about the core clock or something like that, i didn't know i had that problem on windows, once i changed to ubuntu it was evident that i had the problem. Every 1 minute the computer froze for 4 seconds, if i was writing the letter r for example it would write "rrrrrrrrrrr", i posted about that problem on the ubuntu forum and a guy sent me a tutorial of what to do, he explained it very well, my computer became much better after that.
So, if you are having problems with ubuntu, linux, the language in both of these is the same i think, just post on the forums, they are a cool helpfull community that would help you easily if you need!
I don't become a witness because i don't have the network or the money to become one.

Thanks Teuto, that is actually really good advice.
I didn't think about Linux forums.

Yepp. They make it sound super easy. But there is generally a steep learning curve.

1000%, Linux is damn frustrating and boring.

Ah you had a video which you explained what I just asked you in the other video. Will check this out and get my answer

Do you want to become a witness?

Not now, but I wont say that I never want to become a witness. I want this blockchain to be a big success so this might be a way to help out

just check your video and learn many things.
Thanks for share :)

I will never support generalized or copy & paste comments.
You didn't write anything about the topic.

You will not make friends or money like that here on Steemit, that I can tell you for sure.

Learning a new valuable skill is always worth it.

wow...nice post i like your post to much
thanks for sharing good post.

Your reputation is not going to increase if you keep posting these low quality comments. Take some time to read the post and formulate something useful.

They are just bots, mute and move on, i had one in my last post, after 2 hours his rep was negative, these people are never going to amount to anything in life...

wow good video. I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.
I like it.

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