Steem School Episode 67 - What are Steem Witnesses, Voting Guide & The Witness List by @Drakos

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

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Today my friends, we will take a look at the awesome website called created by @Drakos which got tons of gold advanced knowledge about Steem!

Drakos has enriched us all with that website as you can see all 400 witnesses there, not only the 50 ones display on the official Witness list of Steem...

You also find a short voting and witness guide there! Perfect for everyone to finally understand what witnesses are and what they do without getting a headache.

There is also tons of other information like the Steem White & Bluepaper which explain how Steem runs, tech shit & more.

The Steem Bluepaper is a less complicated documentation and I recommend you all to read that. The more you know about Steem the better!

Drakos also listed communities there with a nice description, he listed tools, wrote about the Signup process and more!

But the most important feature is the witness ranking list which I am going to explain to you guys now.

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The Witness Ranking List

There you see all 400 witnesses, even the inactive ones which Steem somehow doesn't want to remove...

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The "full rank" displays the general rank of each witness and the "active rank" displays the actual rank of the witness as the dead ones actually shouldn't count.

Next to that are their nicknames on Steem and by clicking on them you get to their blog which is handy.

The green thumb is to give that witness your vote and the red one to remove that vote. By clicking on the grey "+" symbol you can see who gave them their vote. The chain symbol sends you to their witness declaration post.

Afterwards comes "Votes MV" which means how many MV they have gathered in total. It displays the total worth of all the votes they received.

Then comes "Voters" which displays how many votes they have gathered in total.

Next comes "missing blocks" which displays how many blocks they have missed. If one witness, for example, has missed 300 blocks then he basically lost 300 Steem power as each block gives you almost 1 Steem Power.

The "Last Block" displays what block they have processed recently. "Block Age" displays when the witness has processed his latest block in hours.

The "Reg Fee" displays the registration fee set, the "Block" displays the kind of blocks they process the "Ver" displays the hardfork version we run.

The "Price Feed" displays the STEEM/USD value, and "Age Feed (h)" displays when the latest price feed was uploaded by the witness.

"Bias" is shifting more (or less) rewards to be paid in SBD aka increasing or lowering the SBD supply.

And "APR" means 'Annual Percentage Rate' If you keep your steem dollars in the account you will gain for example 9% per year, compounded monthly.

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Vote to Increase my Witness Rank: Witness Vote

Get More & Higher Upvotes: Steemfollower

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SteemSchool Discord Community: Discord

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Oh, this is brilliant, I think it is amazing that you took crucially important and direly needed information, and made it accessible and understandable for community members who might not yet have a complete grasp of this specific aspect of the Steemit platform.

Thank you so much, for linking me in!

Great comment Breezin.
And thank you for sharing my post!

Just a pleasure - definitely worth sharing!

I have been enjoying your videos and I finally voted for you as one of my fucking witnesses. Thank you for all the great info, cheers!

Thank you very much Scottshots!

Ok, there aren't that many dead witnesses in the top 50, but after top 50 it gets bad... rly bad...
If i understood correctly if biased is negative the amount of sbd given out is decreasing if it's high it's increasing.... high sbd would make the price go lower... let's hope some of the witnesses change their biased to negative so the price actually increases, i want to change my sbd for SP

Losing blocks would make the price go higher or lower? And what are they doing to miss blocks? not enough power in their servers? or it's just the way their servers are configured?

Losing blocks means they have just lost a block nothing else. Of course you do not want that to happen so you make sure to get stable servers.

My Privex servers run for 8 days now without me having to reset them.

Genuinely thank you so much, its people like you that make this platform easier to use and learn about, thus making it more popular. You're benefiting every user on the website. So thank you on behalf of all of us :)

Thank you, SteemSchools purpose is to educate new and veteran Steemians in a way that they easily understand it.

Thanks for this information @valorforfreedom Before now, I don't know much about this witnesses of a thing and many people who ask to vote for witness do not take time to explain their importance. They assume people know this but that is not the case. A lot of people here are still new to steemit even if their reputation score is high. Thanks again

Agree Dceroo, learning what witnesses are & what they do should belong to Steemits basic education.
They could also just write a simple explanation of what witnesses are on the top 50 ranking list...

@valorforfreedom - Thank you for explaining witness chart so clearly. I just voted for you for a Witness. I recently started voting for witnesses and so I appreciate you efforts to inform myself and others. Good luck to you.

Thank you very much MGood!

Amazing tutorial buddy well I did voted for some witnesses and really did not know how to vote outside top 20. I really did love this

Quite lengthy explanation about witness and their service. Myself not really understand the tecnical aspect behind it till I found this post. Sure will read slowly to easy digest the contents. Thanks for the sharing @valorforfreedom!

Yes, take your time to really understand it. The more you know about Steem the better.

wow, what a lengthy explanation but well written and easy to understand. Thank you so much for bringing across the importance of the witness issue. I will go and visit that site because I like to understand exactly what I am involved in and how it all works. Thanks again for the in-depth info! btw I visited that site and saw some of the names crossed out in red, what does that mean?

The witnesses crossed out in red are inactive witnesses.

Ok, so we need to make sure we dont vote for them? thank you for confirming that, I just wanted to be sure I understood correctly.

Yes, don't vote for them.

I really appreciate this information as someone just starting out, thank you

I suggest you check out and read all tutorials and apply what I wrote there.

That will kickstart your Steemit success.

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