Steem School Episode 45 - How to Write 2 Posts Every Damn Day 150 Days in a Row

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

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I have written about this already before Steem School and I need to say it again.

Nobody beats a fanatically religious man when it comes to willpower, discipline & courage.

If you are an Atheist and believe that nobody or nothing outside of the earth is more powerful than a human being then this article is perfect you.

Why this article is perfect for you? Because any religious man knows what I am talking about without having talked about it.

Nothing is stronger than faith/complete belief. Imagine you have 100% certainty that you will reach your goal, no matter how hard it will be, that is one of the powers that you will receive if you start believing in your god/gods.

In other words: To write 2 posts per day for over 150 days you probably need to be a religious man.

I am not sure about it, but the lack of people that can do this (religious people) tells me that this has to do with my mindset.

I know other religious people here with impressive willpower who write every day for months if they focus on Steemit. @Flauwy and @Humanearl are such people.

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And Without Faith?

Without faith you can still do the same, we are human after all, however, believing in something and in yourself undeniably makes it much easier to do this because you have absolute certainty that you will reach your goal.

So now you probably declare this bullshit.

Let me tell you something: If you think that there is nothing outside of this earth that is more powerful than a human being then you have a self-limiting belief which does not do you well.

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How to Become a Religious Man

If you want to know more then you simply have to seek the truth and your ancestors. Read more about your ancestors, their culture, their religion.

It will feel "right" to you when you read about it and listen to their music.

I immediately felt goosebumps listening to the music of my ancestors and I have received 2 signs of the Norse gods so far.

At least, this is how I became an Odinist.

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And what many atheists fail to realize is that real faith is not blind faith. It is the conviction that what you want is actually there and possible to achieve.

And it's just crazy to think that the universe in all its vastness is still finite. That's mindblowing for sure.

Willpower is like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets. Your willpower bro is Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime. haha

Willpower is like a muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets. Your willpower bro is Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime.

Thank you, I am quite proud when you say that.

Like Paul Waggener said "Can't reach the realm of the gods in a broken chariot."

Besides all this, I find religious people very interesting to listen to and they usually always inspire me.

The conviction and the action religious men take and have taken despite the circumstances has created many legends.

Funny that you write that about me today. I am just about to record a video about my believes in our spiritual reality. Mind over matter.

Anarchapulco has opened my eyes to this even more. I don't feel like I have mastered that as my breakdown at the airport recently has proven to me. However, I do feel like much more in control in shaping my reality than most others.

Being at ease outside of comfort zones is what I would call a high degree of mental strength. That stuff ain't easy.

Traveling ain't easy and it demands your full attention if you haven't done it before. I certainly understand why you experienced that "breakdown".

In my spiritual journey I feel like I am just on page 10 of page 1000.

The goals that I currently have can be reached and will be reached soon, after that I don't know what will happen, but I am sure I will be on the next page.

I will also have an altar built for the Thundergod soon, I will snap a picture and share it when it is done.

Enjoy this piece of Germanic culture (it is very spiritual and magical).

In my spiritual journey I feel like I am just on page 10 of page 1000.

I know exactly what you mean. Yet I think we are both at least on page 11. Mind over matter. Break through and bend the universe.

I agree that with believing in something bigger than yourself you have access to powers that are beyond anyones wildest imaginations.
Do you also have some practical tips on overcoming apathy and lack of willpower to basically do anything?
I would say I'm motivated to do stuff 4/7 days of the week, not motivated at all at 2/7 days and the one remaining I seem to just not get ANYTHING done.

I still have a to do list on these days, I see the bigger picture, i try to build up momentum, but on these days it's freaking hard to get the ball rolling.

Any advice would be appreciated.

As always: Thanks for your motivation you're on of the reasons I will post daily from now on.

  • Devin

1. Half-assing nobody will take you seriously and you will barely get stuff done (if anything at all).
2. I personally don't want to die with regrets.
3.I don't want to live in the city anymore and live in nature.
4. I want to have enough cash to not worry about money anymore.
5. I want to impress my gods and myself.

Furthermore, you will get kicked out of your flow if you take "breaks". You have to learn to do the work despite your lazy feeling (or any feeling).

If you do the work when you are sick, depressed or angry then it will make you tougher. With that, I mean that doing the work will get easier because you have done it at your worst and realized that you can still do it and that the only thing that keeps you from succeeding are your weak excuses.

In a nutshell: Piss on your feelings and do the work anyway.

There really is no secret.

Thanks for the fast reply and the input.
Will reread again and put it to practice!

No problem, I hope you make the right decision.

@valorforfreedom religious and willpower is a good way to put it. I struggle with the content value. Maybe because writing is not my forte. Best wishes to you always. - @splendorhub

So what is your forte? Think about all the things you are good at and then see how you can translate you talents into relevant posts, be it via video , written form or visuals. the trick to becoming and being relevant is always being yourself. If you become a carbon copy of others around you you will always be the lesser version of something outside of you. True greatness comes through honest introspection, assessing your strengths and refining them. When it comes to self improvement working on your weaknesses is important too, but you should always draw your strength from your true core not from the images you get from outside sources.

That comment is full of wisdom.

Ask yourself this question: What can the reader learn from my post?
If you can answer this question then you simply have to put that answer into your post and then your content has value.

Almost reputation 60, good job!

Thank you :) Steem on.

That was a beautiful song

One can really like it without even believing in the Norse Gods, her singing is absolutely beautiful.

Agreed I looked up the translation of the lyrics they are sad but beautiful ...

It would be nice if you share them here, I need to take a shower.


@valorforfreedom You just gave me the motivation of my life... This is just like you were speaking to me directly... I really appreciate the choice of words you used... Thanks a lot!

Glad that you like it.

@valorforfreedom strong habits are tough to maintain and tougher to create. Those who do so reap the rewards like you have on Steemit.

Thank you REC.
I fully agree with that, it ain't always easy, but it gets easier once they are habits, however, there are days you would rather sleep all day long (& you still do what you have to do).

Yep, that is the way it is in everything. One of the best books I ever read was Today Matters. The biggest takeaway is that your habits is what creates your quality of life. While I know that information I still feel I have weaker habits than I should.

I feel weaker than I should feel, I always compare myself with my inspirations which really ain't a smart thing.

Wow, amazing and boosting post and i can call myself as religious poster because as of today i have completed 135 days on Steemit Platform and i haven't missed posting blogs single day also. And yes our continuous efforts no matter what the situation is, will lead you towards your desired goals. Thanks for sharing and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

That is good, however, you have too much copy & paste content which requires no effort.

Thanks for your kind comments, but genuinely speaking brother i left my HR job to take care of my parents and then moved into Steemit and doing my genuine work, and i know from what pain i gone through from these 135 days, brother, if possible just don't judge by length of post, see the idea behind it, because i post on freestyle music, photography, original poetry, short writing, own video content, positive writing and all these i post in Steemit and these are not copy and paste, i don't need upvote but when somebody says your work is copy and paste it really hurts. I am not professional but i am an genuine content creator. Wishing you an great day brother. Stay blessed.

I have scrolled through your content again and it really looks genuine.
I wish you a nice day as well Chiree.

Thanks for your reconciliation, that's really appreciated.

Dude...u are on your way determined mutha forker

Thank you Perennial.

Quite an interesting place where you recorded that video, the difference of the trees in both sides of the way.

The duality of the universe, ying and yang.
Death on the right side and life on the left.

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