What would you do if your son is a prodigy?

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Perhaps the best known child prodigy is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. His works, written centuries ago, still captivate us with their beauty, simplicity and naturalness.

Mozart was a child who stood out in the musical world from his first years of life, his genius in interpretation with keyboard and violin instruments, plus his creativity in composition, made him a star among the aristocrats of the time.



Who has not seen the works of Pablo Picasso? It was another child genius, who at the age of 15, exhibited in Spain his first oil painting.

He soon excelled in several awards that recognized him as a young prodigy. The rest is the story you know.

We can mention many. Today, young people who amaze with their genius continue to stand out.

But children with abilities that take them to levels beyond the ordinary, can not do it alone. They tend to be misunderstood, we are familiar with stories like Thomas A. Edison's when he was expelled from his school, considering him a misfit. Fortunately for us, his mother encouraged him, and instead of telling him that he could not return to his school because he was classified as an incompetent student, he told him that he was so intelligent, that the school had nothing to teach him.

I want to emphasize with another example the importance of the support needed by children prodigies.

Pablo Picasso's mother told him, "If you choose to be a soldier, you will be a general; If you choose to be a priest, you will be a Pope. " Pablo said years later, that he chose to be a painter, and he became Picasso.

In the biography of Mozart you will find that without the unconditional support, without the dedication and culture applied with a common sense that his father gave him, we could hardly listen to the works of the musician.

If the child Thomas A. Edison had known the truth of the letter that reported his expulsion from school, his inventions might not have existed. His self-esteem would have been destroyed.

That's right, parents. I have observed that when a child with special talents is placed in a school environment, the skills that try to flourish try to be extinguished by a rigid educational conventionalism.

They are considered distracted, children with problems of social adaptation, who do not know how to express their ideas and who can not keep up with the other classmates.

These are some of the problems that happen if you do not act. In many cases, when parents receive complaints from their teachers, infants are reprimanded and sometimes punished for not being able to do what the average person does.

What "the average does"; Friend, that's mediocrity. The child prodigy have in their instinct the virtue of knowing that it is extraordinary; but without the help of an educator, of a good mentor to guide him, he will most likely vanish amid social disapproval.



The human being is a gregarious species, and being rejected for not being understood, can annihilate the intention to have a purpose of life.

If you know a child with problems of school adaptation, it would be good to serve you from a broader point of view, if you are facing a child with talents.

I want to mention, that there are talents that are not as obvious as it is in the case of the arts or mathematics. It is also to consider, if the child has virtues that are not valued in the family.

Here are several characteristics that must be observed:

The prodigies are easily bored, they see the world differently from their peers, and they have no one to share what they think.

Imagine that you have to study again and again topics that you know; begins, for lack of challenge, to be tedious. The same goes for prodigy children. The same lessons that they already master become boring tasks. It is when you notice how easily they get distracted and lose interest.

That's when teachers with little pedagogical instruction label them as "distracted" and "maladjusted." There will not be those who send them to a corner with a cap that says "donkey".

Children with extraordinary abilities have a great interest in what they are passionate about. They have to be called several times to attend if they are engaged in an activity that catches their attention. Their ability to concentrate is little understood by people who are more average.



The prodigious children's natural curiosity turns them into a factory of questions. It is an opportunity for the educator to guide him towards a world that is waiting for the results of his projects.

We would be amazed to know the amount of little geniuses that are wasted because they do not treat them as they deserve. It is a question of parents being informed about how to educate them and paying attention if a child starts to show behaviors that other infants of their age do not have.

Remember the parents of geniuses like Mozart, Picasso or Edison. Without the support and understanding of their parents, this world would not be the same.

Would you react like Thomas A. Edison's mother if you receive an unfair expulsion letter from your son or daughter?

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