Dare to Convert Your Enemies into Friends. Is it crazy?

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Friend steemian, I am going to tell you an anecdote that happened with Henry Ford; Yes, the same one that managed to take the car to the masses.


Henry Ford loved his creation, model T to such an extent that he did not accept any criticism, nor even wanted to change his color. When someone told him that he wanted the vehicle of another color, he responded that he would paint it any color as long as it was black.

The last straw came when a group of designers presented a more updated car model, red. Ford looked at him carefully, silently. The atmosphere tensed every second, they knew the temperament of their boss. Henry, like a quick shark to ram his prey, gave several turns to the new prototype, an advanced design for its time, with slender and sporty lines; but different from Ford's love.

Suddenly, Ford, with his own hands, detached doors and crumbled the car with an unprecedented force for a human.

Now, steemian, I'm going to write you the reason for this post.

In the book of Proverbs, by King Solomon, 12: 1, he says: "A lover of training is a lover of knowledge; but a hater of teaching is like a beast."


Can you imagine if Ford had not changed his mind? The Ford company would have disappeared long ago, and the world would have lost its contributions.

I have written some articles about the bad effect that the critics can do with their bad tongues about an enterprising novelist. But we can not ignore that many criticisms, when they are made with the intention of building and improving, are key to the growth of the person and works.

He who hates reproof is a fool. Wow, that's great truth. If we do not attend to the warning signs that are on the way, it would be a matter of time before we were involved in an accident; or lose the address and reach a fatal destination or in the best case, wrong.

There are criticisms that are necessary, just as there are bad intentions.

It is a matter of knowing how to differentiate them, and there are some good tips that Steven K. Scott leaves us in his book "The Richest Man That Ever Existed", writing that I recommend reading, three considerations to take when we make a criticism.

1-Consider who is the criticism. Is he someone capable? Have you achieved results and experience to provide useful criticism?

A correct criticism can be a catapult to achieve success. And I repeat, not taking into account this advice, it could sink the enthusiasm to who was well on track.

2-You have to decide if the critic is right or not.

3-Take the criticism as a council and decide the best answer.

I think it is appropriate to remember that human beings have in our nature, defensively respond to a criticism. Anyway, we do not like to be criticized. With the praise is another thing. Later, I'll talk about that.


We feel that they attack us when they criticize us. Hence, we justify the actions. We may instinctively attack and blame the critic. As if he were an enemy, be it a brother, a friend of the soul or a couple. There are those who lose emotional control and anger extalla.

The situation in the real world, is that most of the criticisms come from envies, full of superlatives and exaggerations, of generalities. Surely you have found this type of criticism, and do not aim to help you improve, but to decrease your work.

Remember, knowing how to detect a good criticism among a lot of envies is crucial. You can not afford to waste the benefits of correct criticism, it's what they call constructive criticism.

Without the support and help of others, it is difficult to achieve the objectives, especially if they are large. If your dreams are ambitious, you alone can not get them, you need the help of people with other visions, with other points of view, experiences and opinions. It is when you will find a lot of dirt and mud without value, debris that in its center there may be diamonds and gold, ready so that when you dig them, they are yours.


That is why opinions can not be thrown, even if they are not pleasant, of those who can know something that we do not know. It is not that among its critics is the diamond or the gold nugget that we crave.

In short, it is not possible that we see the whole picture, it will not happen to us like Ford.

I had told you that I was going to tell you something about praise and criticism. That's right, steemian. The compliments are pleasant, they are a balm for those who receive them. If you have paid attention to the passage through this world, you will have already realized that you can not always receive appreciations and congratulations. A good reproach, done in its proper measure and moment, is a bitter drink that can correct the course that we would otherwise miss.

If you are going to criticize someone, try to use the "sandwich" strategy. What is that? Well, the loaves are the compliments, and the cheese and ham that fills it, is the criticism. First praise, criticize and praise again. There you have a review sandwich.


Who criticizes us can be seen as an enemy, and it would be, if he wants to diminish the work that is done, fed with envy. With regard to fair and constructive criticism, it is necessary, or better said, essential.

It is normal that we do not like the criticisms, but what is going to be done, remembering King Solomon, "A lover of training is a lover of knowledge; but a hater of teaching is like a beast."

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Greetings, steemian. It has been a pleasure to write this post. It has given me a timely and decisive teaching.

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