Are you finished enthusiasm? It's That It Desists

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

To succeed, we first think and then act. Good news, we can control what goes through our heads.

The enthusiasm comes because it has decided to overcome a challenge. You feel the vibration of being able to obtain a benefit that will make us feel proud and prosperous, shareable with the loved ones. There are those who know them as "dreams".



The first steps are easy to do, the vitality is enviable and you feel the vigor of those who have faith and hope for their future goals to achieve.

The point is that important objectives usually take time to arrive. What comes soon is despair, making it easy to quit; that's saying "I give up".

The despair is accompanied by a blur that causes a strong desire to get to do other things. The excuses will not be long in coming.

It is abandoned because you get to do the tasks, without the emotions that drove you at first, is unpleasant for most. They believe that the discipline is to sell their freedom, they believe that self-discipline is to be tied to a regime that will burn spontaneity in life and will be one more piece of a mechanism imposed by society.

I do not know where those beliefs will come from, but discipline and perseverance are seen as annihilating happiness.

I will tell you, steemian what yes fulminates happiness, is the lack of discipline.

Living without it produces anguish, anguish, the sensation that a debtor has, that weight measured in tons on the one who has postponed what he knows he should have done long ago and now he will have to pay for it with the anguish of urgency and failure.

Repentance is the price to pay for those who lie on their deathbed. This is what the statistics say, the surveys that have been done to the elderly who are about to die.

They are asked, "What have you done and caused you to repent?" The response the interviewers receive may surprise you, it is not what they did but what they did not do.

What they did not do What happened? Did not they have the time to live as they wished?

Not at all. Look, steemian, over there you'll have heard people who say they do not have time to read at least 30 minutes a day. They have 24 hours in a day, 168 a week and Who knows how many in a year? Multiply it by 10 to find out how many there will be in a dozen years.

In all that time, they do not find their valuable 30 minutes. But if you have time to watch a couple of trivial videos on YouTube, or spend hours a day doing insignificant things for your progress. Ah, I remembered that statistics announce that most people spend 51% of their time on social networks; not producing, but looking to kill time.

That's what happens to them, they kill their time. If time is life, you already realize who we are murdering.

After committing suicide for not daring to face the despair it causes when the initial impulse vanishes, there is nothing left. The time has come to leave this planet, and death is announced with the mantle of repentance for everything that was not achieved, for not having been able to enjoy the prosperity and riches that not only you lost, but also the beloved people that you He surrounded and could benefit. What does it matter, that they settle for having shared the company of a conformist! What they put on the tombstone that was a loved one and that they will miss him a lot. There will be nothing more to add, it will be a common tombstone.

When children, we are thrown, brave, daring with our dreams. The social conditioning, the environment, the conditioning of parents, teachers, friends and colleagues affect until destroying the impulse that nature gave us when we were born.

What happened to that energetic cry that characterizes the human when he knows the cold that receives him outside his mother's womb? At what point does the happiness that enlightens the childhood go away?



Losing the impulse by the fleeting brightness that gives us a good idea, is an oversight. It is similar to planting and letting the plant dry by not watering it, let alone protecting it.

It will harvest only those that grow next to its sowing. Not everyone will harvest.

Emotions have the power to awaken the energy we need, that is without positive. Negative emotions attract pessimism and that repentance that awaits us when the shadow of the grim reaper obscures our sun.

Our job is to maintain the emotion that will erase the despair of having to do what needs to be done. It is our job to avoid the penetration of undesirable thoughts and information, the one that both like to preach the pessimists who think they have their feet on the ground.

Your body, your gestures greatly affect what emotions you will have. Walk like a loser, have the look of a loser ... I do not think that way you'll feel like you want to eat the world.

So when the depression knocks on your door, for reasons with or without foundation, do not open it, occupy your mental space with thoughts that fill any space in your mind, so that they do not fit the pessimism, the sense of defeat and any negative emotion that arrives only to lie down and rejoice to make you sprout tears to who could be a winner.

The action is what will take you to fulfill your dreams. I refer to the dreams that the average brand of madness. The activity is possible if you have the enthusiasm, motivation is not enough, you may have reasons but you lack inspiration, and that will depend on you.

Do not you have inspiration? Motives may create a feeling of guilt for procrastinating what you know you should do, and inspiration will come if you invite it.

Your bodily gestures, your thoughts shouted if necessary, will push all your neurons and a torrent of hormones will give you the boost you so much wanted to recover.

It will be necessary to do it frequently, until it is so natural that the despondency gets tired and you will only have to retouch your garden of success from time to time.



Greetings, steemian, here's the post today.
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