The role of curriculum in education

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The curriculum has a central role in any effort to education. As a systematic education program, curriculum is a form of accountability of educational institutions to the community. Every educational institution should be able to account for education programs to the community. The educational institution should be able to provide "academic accountability" and "legal accountability" in the form of curriculum.

The curriculum is the heart of education That is, all the educational life movements that schools do are based on what is planned in the curriculum. Life in school is a life that is designed based on what the curriculum wants. The development of qualified learners is also based on the curriculum. The learning process experienced by learners in the classroom, at school, and outside the school is developed based on what is planned in the curriculum.

Evaluation activities to determine whether the expected quality is already owned by learners is done based on the plan listed in the curriculum. Therefore the curriculum is the basis and also the controller of educational activities. Without a clear curriculum especially if there is no curriculum at all then the educational life in an institution to be without direction and ineffective in developing the potential of learners into a maximum personal quality.

The curriculum plays an important role in the education process. Each learning activity will run conducively and interactively if implemented in accordance with the predefined curriculum. The curriculum contains constructive elements so that learning runs optimally. Good and bad education outcomes are also largely determined by the curriculum.

In short, the role of a very important curriculum can be summed up into three roles:

Conservative role

The curriculum is developed to transfer what has happened in the past to the next generation to be conserved, forwarded or developed. Thus, the institution is an institution that can influence student behavior and develop in accordance with the applicable standard of value within a community.

Critical or evaluative role

The curriculum serves as an answer to solve various social issues related to education and actively participates in social control and emphasizes critical thinking patterns.

Creative role

The curriculum for building life, present and future with creative and constructive activities and various national development and development plans serve as a basis for developing future lives.

Each country has its own curriculum. Curriculum development in various countries of attention to certain factors, such as cultural factors, social factors, political factors, or economic factors. Differences in curriculum applied by a country also affect the quality of education. So no wonder why we see a country more advanced than other countries in terms of quality of human resources.

Finland is a role model of the world curriculum. So each country trying to adopt their curriculum, including my country, Indonesia. []



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Na Ta chat mantong beh?

Kalheuh lon inbok

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