Parts of the Body Idioms (Shei-sensei Series 11: ENGLISH)

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Hello Learners!

I'm back with another set of idiomatic expressions. If last time we discussed Weather Idioms, this time I chose five idiomatic expressions using various parts of the body. Let's learn and explore the world of idioms together!

Parts of the Body Idioms


Weak in the Knees

  • affected by a strong emotion and unable to do anything


Sample Dialogue:

A: Are you sure you can do this? You can still change your mind!
B: Yes, I have decided to meet him. It's all in the past now. I have gotten over him.
A: I'm just worried about you. You always get weak in the knees when it comes to him
B: That was before, I'm stronger now... thanks for your concern.

Pain in the Neck

Sample Dialogue:

A: Hey! Hurry up...
B: Why are you in a hurry? That was our last lecture for today!
A: I know, but Mr. M is heading this way!
B: Oh! The guy who keeps on asking you out? He's almost your stalker!
A: I know! He's a total pain in the neck!

Give the Cold Shoulder

  • to intentionally ignore someone or treat someone in an unfriendly way


Sample Dialogue:

A: Shane, are you and Dylan fighting again?
B: No, we aren't.
A: Then, why are you giving him the cold shoulder?
B: I'm not... I'm just really busy today.

A Slip of the Tongue

  • something that you say when you intended to say something else


Sample Dialogue:

A: The reunion was super fun! I'm so glad to see everyone again.
B: That's true, but I really had a good laugh when you called "Sarah" with the wrong name!
A: Ugh! That was embarrassing! It was a slip of the tongue.
B: I can't blame you. Sarah changed a lot. She has become so lovely!

Heart is in the Right Place

  • Someone means well or is good at heart, even if they don't always do the right thing.


Sample Dialogue:

A: Mommy, why can't I help in unpacking our things?
B: Baby, I know your heart is in the right place, but it will really save us time if you don't.
A: Sorry if I broke some plates earlier, mom.
B: It's okay, honey. Why don't you play with your sisters outside?


Fill in the blanks with the correct idiom.

  1. What he did was quite embarrassing, but I know his ________________ .
  2. I accidentally called Mark by his friend's name. It was _______________.
  3. I get ____________ everytime I see my idol.
  4. This project is a ____________. Why is it too long?
  5. I already apologized a lot of times. Please don't ______________.



    I hope you learned something from this post...

    Thanks for dropping by!
    Love lots, @tegoshei

These are great! We do use these all the time! Here's another one: He's got her wrapped around his finger (meaning that she will do anything for him). :) Have a great day!

Thank you!!! ^^ He's dangerous! haha.. xD Idioms are so fun to learn... ^^ Have a great one, too! <3

Lol yep, he would be dangerous! :) Idioms are fun. I need to learn some in Spanish!

Waaaaai~!!! Good luck with that! Let's learn more and more! ^^

I accidentally called Mark by his friend's name. It was slip of the tongue ...

He prepped himself all day for the moment to asked her out to prom, but at the last minute he got cold feet. And in a blink of an eye he was gone.

This was really

Aww... T_T I hope he'll have the courage to ask her out to prom soon... before somebody else does... ^^

If he only knew she fell head over heels the first time she met him

kyaaaa!!! <3 <3 <3 They should be honest to each other then... ^^

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