Are your hands clean or not?

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Are your hands clean or not?

I know for some this might be "yucky" but have you ever thought how clean your hands really are?

Let's think about it:

When you get up in the morning you most likely went to the bathroom, after which you washed our hands.

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You then shower, put on your daily clothes whether it is your school uniform or casual clothes. You then grab your schoolbag, rush to the kitchen to quickly eat some breakfast after which you jump into your parents car.

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Then at school you walk on the stairs, while holding on to the rail.

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You open the classroom door after which you go sit at your desk. You begin your day, taking out all your pens and pencils to write with. At break you walk to your spot and take out your lunch.
You didn't go to the bathroom first to wash your hand, because you recon they aren't dirty. Are you sure?

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A story about washing your hands.

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Here is an experiment you can do:

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The 3 sliced mouldy bread experiment

You will need the following:

  1. Three slices of bread
  2. Ziplock bags
  3. Sticky notes
  4. Cool dry place


  1. Place one slices of bread in a ziplock bag. This slice will be the slice that no one has touched.
  2. Run around and touch as much stuff you possibly can. Now touch another slice of bread and put it in a ziplog bag. Lable it: "Dirty Hands"
  3. Go wash your hands and then touch the last slice of bread. Put it in the ziplog bag and lable it: "Clean Hands"
  4. Now you go put the slices of bread in a cool dry place.
  5. Now the observation part starts.
  6. Each day go see how the bread has changed and record it.

What is on your hands?

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Hand washing song

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Created by Giphy

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone



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