Potty Training In 3 Days - We Got It Right!

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Becoming a first time parent is the first step in a list of "firsts". There's the first bath, first tooth, first word, first steps...and then there's potty training, which for me was the most daunting first. The day my son turned two I realized that all the signs were there, he was ready for the potty, in fact they had been there for a while and in my naivety I didn't realize that in his own way, he was telling me he was ready!

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Signs That Your Child Is Ready For Potty Training

  • He/she "freaks" out when her nappy (diaper) is dirty - some toddlers will try and pull it off
  • Your toddler can say the words "wee" and "poo", or whatever you call it in your family
  • When they do a "wee" or "poo" they tell you
  • Your toddler's nappy/diaper stays dry for longer periods
  • Your toddler wants to copy you when you go to the bathroom


My kid was doing everything on the list and on the very day that he turned two we started potty training. Please remember however that all children are different, some will be ready earlier than age two and others much later, boys on average actually show readiness much later than girls. I started the training steps on advice from a friend, but I also added a few of my own things to the mix. It was my friend who told me about the Three Day Potty Training Technique.

Three Day Potty Training Schedule 

Firstly I bought a potty, I opted for a cheapy, nothing fancy. I also ordered a book online called "Big Boys Use The Potty" (there's a girl version too) - I feel this book made a HUGE difference towards positive training. When we sat on the potty we would read the book and mimic the pictures. I love this book because the pictures are "real" - see for yourself:

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* If you can start the potty training in summer when the weather is warm, all the better. Also, you will need to be at home for 3 days straight, so plan to do it when you take leave if you work.

The Steps In 3 Days

  • Day one: On the first day you can show your child their potty, make a bid deal about it, get excited with him/her. Wrap the book up and give it as a gift, to add to the excitement. It is a big day after all! Take your child's nappy off and explain to him or her that today they are BIG, and that they are going to keep their nappy off while awake. If possible, put no pants on at all and stay indoors, for the whole day if you can. Encourage your little one to drink lots of fluids and attempt to sit on the potty for a wee every half hour. It helps if you sit on the loo too (teaching by example). If babba makes a wee, or even a poo in the potty, make a huge deal of it by clapping, singing and shouting hooray! If your kid does make an accident, don't freak out, let them know it's OK and remind them that next time they just need to ask you to go potty. *You should still put nappy on during sleep times.

  • Day two: Stay at home again and do everything the same as above, but this time put a pair of paints on your toddler (no underpants though). Underpants give kids the feeling that they are wearing a nappy, encouraging them to "let go" at first. On this day, go outside for a whole hour, firstly to monitor if your child can hold in their wee and secondly if they do make an accidental wee outside, quickly run in after and show them that next time they can run inside to use the potty. They will also not like the "wet" feeling in their pants, which gives them the idea that it is better to run to the potty.

  • Day 3: Everything the same as day two, but this time go on an hour long trip somewhere. A park is the perfect destination. Dress your child in a shirt and pants only (no undies). Pack some extra clothes for your outing. Have a wee before you leave. Go out and have fun. In an hour's time head for home. When you get in the door, first thing you do is head for the potty. This teaches the concept of holding it in until a toilet/potty is available.

Now, please don't think that your toddler will be fully potty trained after these 3 days, this is impossible. The 3 day training method however does set an excellent foundation for the days to come, I can vouch for it. Persevere in keeping the next few days similar to the above, but go on more outings. My son was fully potty trained (still wears a night time diaper) by 26 months. If your child is in a play school, they should be able to assist you with the training too.

Advice: If your child refuses to use the potty, I suggested leaving the training for a few weeks, and then try introducing the potty again at a later stage. Forcing the training can cause problems later on where kids regress with this milestone.

* Only introduce undies a few weeks later, once they are in the swing of things. It's OK to go commando!

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All children are different, so please remember to move at your little one's pace, never try to rush the training or start it before they are ready - if you think potty training is daunting for you, just imagine the emotions that are going through your little one's mind. Mopping up wee and poo sucks, I know, but it is all part of raising kids, it's a milestone in it's own. And remember, repetition is key!

Much love - @sweetpea

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Congratulations! I know the importance of this achievement! :)

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