Tales from Teacher’s College

Tales from Teacher’s College

We learn a lot of different things in Teacher’s college. We learn the fine art of educating the world youth. We are given the skills to prepare units, lessons and activities that will engage students and give them the wisdom to be responsible and productive members of society.

However, there are many other things that were taught to us as we were preparing to embark on our teaching journey. These are the stories from teachers college.

This lesson is one that has served me well. I never thought I would learn a superpower in teachers college but I did. I learned an ancient art that was going to help save me from heaps of stress and behaviour management problems. I learned the power of TIME CONTROL.

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It was about a month into my program and our practicum teacher told us that we should ALWAYS know the time. It seemed like a strange thing to say. I pretty much always know the time. Why should I be concerned about this? He repeated this several times that day. Told us that we should wear a watch at all time and never be in a situation where you don’t know the time.

He couldn’t have been more right. This might be one of the most important messages that we were ever taught. From the first time I stepped foot in the classroom as a student teacher, I could see the importance of time. The entire day is timed out and your plans are based on start and finish times. Recess breaks and so much more.

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Not knowing the time can lead to poor transitions, late arrivals to class and missed opportunities. These can add a lot of extra stress to a teachers day and create a feeling of being unorganized. On top of that, there are often other people relying on you to be on time.

The first time you hear your name over the all call because you are late for you yard duty will be a moment you don’t forget. Don’t let it happen to you!!

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The words of this superhero were wise beyond belief.

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