The right and the wrong - behavior faults

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

The right and the wrong

Many people in the society display behaviour that is not becoming of their status or position. Be it an office or home or just an informal gathering, we can often see people becoming disruptive and tending to pick fights or arguments with others at the slightest provocation.

image source

Why is this so?

  • bad parenting
  • poor examples of role models while growing up into adulthood
  • lack of human values
  • bad environment
  • lack of self appraisal

The above stated reasons play a major role in shaping a personality. If a child is not brought up by individuals who do not respect others, the child will grow up thinking that it is okay to abuse others. Respecting other human beings is necessary to lead a harmonious life.

If parents or guardians are abusive and do not set a good example to the children, the kids will follw suit. So, parents should be careful not to use foul words before the children.

Children should be taught human values such as love, care, charity, compassion, forgiveness and so on. Only these qualities will help a child become an adult who is useful to both the self and the society.

Self appraisal is necessary. Why?

Only if the individual assesses the personal achievements and failures, will he/she be able to understand the reasons behind success or failure.

For example. if forty people in different situations are displeased with say, Mr.X, then it is definitely X's fault and not the fault of the others. X has to rethink and change his attitudes. perceptions and behviour towards others which will bring about improvement in the treatment meted out by other people.

The right and the wrong cannot be separated by a straight line. An individual has to define it by himself/herself, along the life path nad helped by experiences learned along the way.

written for @steemiteducation

note - the above are my opinions


Children are like softwood whichever shape u mold them they will acquire the shape parents, teachers, friends all are responsible for the better growth of a child
Thanks for the lesson

It all depends on individual perspectives on what they consider as good or bad behavior. Lovely post @sayee 😀😁

Thank you so much, dear

I agree with you to all the points you have mentioned.
Though wrong will be wrong but sometimes circumstances/situations play a great role.

You are indeed right

This is a very complex topic to talk about, I think it is important to have a moral compass. Within that moral compass, there should be things that define how we act in different situations even if others don't agree.

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