Be positive: a healthy attitude

It is proven that positive thoughts allow to live a happier, healthier and successful life, despite the problems.




While no one completely dominates the world of thoughts, there are tools to dismantle everyday concerns. One is to visualize happiness. The brain converts every thought, every information, every image, into a physical reaacion. For example, a suspense movie will accelerate the heart rate or activate a state of alert, among other symptoms. The technique of visualization uses the reaction of the body to thoughts and images. Images are brought to mind. Positive images are brought to mind to provoke physical reactions. Thus, fears can be overcome to strengthen self-esteem and joyfully populate the subconscious. This works with images and feelings that are generated from them; does not recognize concept as fatality or euphoria. A visualization exercise can be done before sleep. Relax and think about the phrase "I am satisfied and encouraged, happiness is my companion". A personal image of happiness will appear that will bring greater well-being and happiness. Another tool is verbal: to repeat the phrase "I am happy and serene" whenever there is worry, anger or envy, keep these emotions from entering into the mind.

"Under the right key you can say anything. It is essential to get that key" George Bernard Shaw


Many and diverse processes occur in the brain. The left side is responsible for the logic, the analytical mind, the calculations, the learning of the language. There are accumulated data, figures, details. The right represents creativity. There images, feelings, poems and new ideas are generated. In an ideal situation, both hemispheres work together: in that case they could find total solutions to complex situations. But, in general rules, both parts of the brain act like that infrequently. The visualization helps to connect the left part of the brain with the right, and to motivate other regions to collaborate in the mental processes. The task of thinking in images is difficult a bit only at the beginning, with practice you get satisfactory results.


The couple, family, friendships and work relationships are determining factors in a person's life. Therefore, these affective networks need to be nurturing and not a source of conflicts and disagreements. Empathy is like a boat that allows affections to be put to good use, beyond having to go through a storm. According to the Royal Spanish Academy, is the "affective participation, and usually emotional, a subject in a foreign reality." In general it is understood that this "foreign reality" are the feelings of other people. therefore, we must bear in mind that in communication there is an emotional concordance between people. The process of communication "empatico" has three steps:
  • 1: You have to understand the situation or fact, not get carried away by the first impulse.

  • 2: You have to choose carefully the best way to express yourself before transmitting it (ideas, words, tone of voice, gestures)

  • 3: You have to know how to listen empathically, without judging and putting yourself in the place of the other, because it is the first step towards healthy and efficient communication.
    That does not mean leaving aside one's own opinions, but balancing them against those of others. This attitude enriches a person, provides mental openness and facilitates the relationship with others.


Avoid pessimism and immobility

A pessimist thinks that adversity is irremediable and does nothing to solve problems. It sums in immobility and anguish. Many researchers believe that optimism prevents falling into apathy, despair or depression.


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