Steemhomework/Difference between old and current education

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

In this first article that I will dedicate to the task of the week, proposed by our community of @steemiteducation, I want to talk about some personal experiences.


My education began when several factors of education had radical changes, both positive and negative. elementary school, high school and university.

My 70-year-old grandmother, when she was only 10 years old and was studying sixth grade in elementary school, told me stories of important people who had great relevance in the history of our country; as governors, liberators and scientists, the dates of his birth and his death. I remember the poem that he liked to recite from a famous writer (Grabriel Gracia Márquez), it was fascinating to hear it, he had a lot to teach me, the most surprising thing is that he told me that he had learned everything in school, barely studied 5 grades when he had to stop study to be able to help his mother to work. She asked me if I had been taught a specific subject in my classes, I was in the clouds, I could never answer their questions, they were issues that I thought I would see in high school.


When I entered high school, I told her about a topic in my classes, she always helped me with the homework, she told me that she had learned that content in the third grade of elementary school.

I think many of us have gone through this, surprised with the knowledge our grandparents had, and can barely study elementary school.

En una ocasión, estaba con mi grupo de amigos de la universidad, subimos a un autobús, ese día el autobús estaba lleno de estudiantes, la mayoría de nosotros veníamos de la facultad de ingeniería, con un ruido que apenas podíamos escuchar. De repente, un caballero se levanta y nos llama la atención, dijo, tal vez conoces muchos temas actuales que tal vez no sé, pero alguien me responde, ¿cuánto es la regla de 3 de 81?, and then, he asked several questions of physics and mathematics.

We all stayed, seeing the faces, nobody could answer. Somewhat outraged, he told us, that we do not use our minds to calculate such simple mathematical problems, because we are used to basing our knowledge on calculators.
I do not know, how to get a rule of three?

He immediately gave us the answers and asked us to confirm one of our calculators and, in fact, each answer was correct. He ended his speech by telling us that he had studied until the second year of high school and that the mathematics we had seen in college had been learned in school.

To do this task, call my other paternal grandmother, who is 84 years old, to ask her what kind of teaching she had been in her time.

What is the difference between current education and that of before?

Now the education is more flexible, before, the students had to learn the tables, it was a basic register to be able to make calculations, they had to study a lot to pass the exams, the education was very difficult but we came out better prepared than in these times, the subjects What we had was different from what we have today, many subjects were taken out of the primary school curriculum because they were thought not to be important for children to learn.

Education was valued before, and is not so valued now, first of all in current education, parents do not seem to have time to review their children's duties, as was the case before, education is based first on school and it is supported in the home, but if they do not cooperate at home, it is of little use.

In addition, the acceleration of social change, makes increasingly bewilderment to discover that things do not work as before, this without any chance of returning to the old social landscape that dominated and knew, today there are many teachers who when compared what was the teaching a few years ago, and the daily landscape offered today by the centers in which they work, see that teaching has become something different, and our society has not yet assimilated the new situation of our educational system.

New resources


If we search in Google the difference between old and modern education, we will obtain new teaching strategies for affective learning that perhaps did not exist before. But the question is, in reality, what educational advances are being taken into account to implement them in public education? Do teachers really feel motivated to effectively transmit their knowledge to their students?

There are old methods that are being trend in current education, because they gave positive results, as is the Montessori method which had its beginnings in the years 1930-1940.

Following this line of ideas, I believe that the previous education helped to live well, but the new one has to help us to live better.

As teachers we must take advantage of new technologies and resources to apply them effectively, being excellent, modern and avant-garde transmitting our knowledge, also receiving ideas and learning from students, thus achieving a positive interaction process with the student.


Hello @roseri, you really notice the changes that have occurred in education since our student days until today, your experiences are very familiar. Thanks for comprating !!

thats so true, grandparents often calculate with their mind and do not need a calculator at all

Hello friend in my time I had to investigate in a library, nowadays it is no longer used, since nowadays science is more advanced.

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