The importance of the art in the boys.

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

Hello Fellow, today bring them a subject that has seemed me beautiful, and fun since I share experiences with my daughter, expect enjoy it like me did it when writing it.


Importance of the art in the boys.

The art is understood generally like any activity or product realised with an aesthetic purpose and also communicative, by means of which express ideas, emotions or, in general, a vision of the world, through diverse resources, like the plastics, linguistic, audible, corporal and mixed.

For my the art..

"It is the gift given to the human being to express of a free and spontaneous way, having a sensitive vision about the world that surrounds it".

Have a talent

All human being is born with a gift, in the measure that this develops does an innate talent that differentiates it of the other.

Here in Steemit, have been able to me give account, that the most sensitive people to his surroundings are those that express through the art, this helps them to develop his empathic side, a fundamental characteristic that has to have all person in his interpersonal relations.

From very small the boys interest by the art, "they see the art in all his around", a world that offers them different textures, colours and forms. For them, experience this world; already it is art, as it is a vital and natural tool by means of which the boy can express his feelings, strengthen his self-esteem, extend his creativity and reflect his fantasies.

The parents, have to boost the creative development in his children. The art no only improves his intellectual capacities, but also helps them to the development of the perception, the motricidad fine, the social interaction and as if it was little helps them to be better human beings.

We like parents do not owe of desaprovechar these first years of life, they are a sponge and we are the channel of his learning.

In Singapore, have taken very enserio the fact to boost the learning of the boys in his first years of age by means of the art. I found something very interesting, concerning this subject.

Why Singapore has the most intelligent boys of the world?
The academic success of the country has helped it to turn into a flourishing economy, and the way in that it has built his system of education can contain lessons for the rest of the world.
The education to the boys of Singapore in his first years bases in leaving flow the creativity of the small.
"A thing that has been clear for them is that the world-wide economy no longer rewards to the people only by what know. Google knows it everything. The world-wide economy rewards to the people by what can do with what know.

Have, a daughter of two years she likes him a lot draw, paint, do garabatos, sing, dance; as all boy. With her I have learnt that the good crianza does not mean only impose norms and discipline, but offer tools that him incentiven develop his skills.


Art home.

We have to learn to develop the artistic activities of a simple way and practises, the interaction with your children is fundamental.
For example, with my daughter use diverse materials: lapices, creyones of wax, colours, cardboards , brushes, sponges, paper, tempera, cardboards of colours, cotton, dry leaves, among others.


No always you will need to buy elements of work, the body in case only it is a tool of work. Many times my daughter likes him use only his fingers his hands and his feet to paint with tempera, even uses my hands to do it.


It is important to give freedom to the boy, not thinking leave that they do his own ideas.

It is not necessary to place limit rigid, only gives initial instructions of agreement to his age, do not focus you in the perfection. The most famous painters go out of the lineas.


We owe to take part only to have a have a conversation. Example: I speak with Ambar like this: that beautiful what hicistes, here of green colour is a tree.
Remembering whenever the perception of her is different to mine.


Finally, incentivar to your small so that it show his works to others. I guindo his art by all the house this does that she seats proud of what has done and help to his self-esteem.


With these activities, develop a good caracter in her.


A lot of mothers that read my post, have asked me that artistic activities can realise with his boys when these are lower to a year.
I signal them some: aspics of colours, seat to your small and give cubes of aspics, they experienced dye textures and flavours. In a stock exchange envoplas the full of temperas of different colours seal it well so that it do not open , invite to your small to draw with his fingers.

This is an important subject so much in the education home as inside the living rooms of classes of initial stage. thank you For reading this post expect to have contributed with my experience.

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Learning begins at home, good activity to encourage creativity in children, so their development will be better.

thank you friend, a pleasure that you visit my post.

Keep this up. Don't stop. I left more tips for you in my last post. You will see the part that touches on this aspect. Children need mirrors to find themselves and that is where you come in. Moreover steem is a permanent blockchain. your kid wll love this when she reads it in the near future

Thank you for your support, my dear friend. his work encourages me to go ahead, how good to know that he likes my job. sure pass your last post nurturing knowledge.

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