Steemhomework for the week /How to teach children to take care of our planet?

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Earth Day.

On April 22, Earth Day is celebrated in many countries. Let's take advantage of the festival to teach children that the good health of the Earth depends a lot on our attitudes towards the environment.


Years ago, I remember that my teacher asked us for drawings and poems that reflected the need to respect and take care of the environment. It seems to me an effective way to open the eyes of children to riches, as well as to the needs of the planet.

However, I believe that a common awareness of the problems of pollution, of biodiversity conservation, and other environmental concerns, does not wake up in a single day, it is necessary to teach and instill in our children the need to care for and respect the planet since they are very small, and day after day, both at home and at school.

How to teach children to take care of our planet

It is necessary that children acquire positive habits in regard to nature, such as:

  • Do not soil or contaminate rivers, lakes, reservoirs, fields, mountains, ... Do not throw garbage on the ground.

  • Use water sparingly, both during bath time, or washing hands, etc.

  • Do not hurt the trees, or the animals. It is necessary to respect the common good.

  • Recycling and reusing what no longer serves us, instead of discarding. Children can transform a simple jar or container of some product, into a toy, etc. We must teach children the importance of recycling.

  • Have respect and contact with nature, to know its qualities.

  • Plant, sow, irrigate and take care of the land, even in a home garden.

  • Visit forests, farms, botanical gardens ...

  • See, whenever possible, videos about life in the seas, mountains, etc. It is essential that children learn, in a natural and fun way, the value of water, land, air ...

Activities for Earth Day

The key is a good environmental education. If we can introduce into the smallest values and principles that foster sustainable development, we will have taken a giant step forward in the fight for the care of our planet. But how to do it? The truth is that it is not so complicated. It just requires a little time and some imagination.

  • Help your students paint posters related to the care and conservation of the environment. They will learn faster if they have fun, if they really get involved in things.


  • Tell them stories in which environmental values are disseminated. In this way, they will build, without realizing it, their own ecological ethics.


  • Make school gardens helps the little ones to understand and love nature.


  • Make excursions to outdoor places, it can be beaches, rivers or parks where we can teach children to take care of the environment that surrounds them while having fun.


As teachers and parents, we have an important role in this regard. Children imitate us in the good and the bad, if we want them to love the planet and give importance to natural resources, we must be the first to set an example.


hello @roseri, you are right in saying that caring for and conserving the planet is not only a matter of one day, we have to inculcate awareness about it every day, especially because this planet is the only one we have and that is why we have to maintain it. Thanks for sharing and the excellent initiatives you published. Regards!!

always so creative @roseri, keep it up, thanks for sharing your knowledge.

it is so lovely to see kids planting saplings. Great effort

What's the appropriate age for children to start learning these concepts? They do copy most of what we as adults do, so perhaps taking your kid for a walk and acting respectfully will teach them plenty :D

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