Green plant s are essential for the existence of all kinds of life, including human life. This importance lies, first in the fact that they are the only natural agents which are able to purify the atmosphere by absorbing carbon dioxide from it and releasing an almost equal volume of pure oxygen into it; secondly green plant prepare food such as starch (the chief constituents of rice, millet wheat , etc) using carbon dioxide from the air, and water and inorganic salts form the soil.. these two main functions Viz.

Purification of the atmosphere and manufacturing of food are the monopoly of green plants and are performed by the the green corpuscles or chloroplast of the leaf during the day with the help of sunlight been the source of energy. Animals being devoid of chloroplast have no such power. It is evident therefore that animals including humans are deeply indebted to green plants for their basic needs, VIZ oxygen for respiration and food for nutrition and energy. In this respect chloroplast maybe said to hold a strategic position so far as the living world is concerned..

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