Make Children Always Cheerful With Parents


Parents usually constantly press the child to get perfect results. Any race must win. Every semester should be the champion of the class. Okay, if your child can achieve it. But what if the child can not achieve it? Should the parent continue to pressure the child to achieve the perfect standard that parents want? If so you do, then you just raise the child into what you want.

The parental habits that always want the child to be perfect not only provide mental stress for the child so that the child becomes stressed, but parents also teach children to get used to any way to get what is called the "best" and "perfect" it. Precisely what you need to do is teach the child to be grateful for every result he has achieved. Be thankful for every achievement and process that has been done. Accustomed to giving thanks, the child will be happier. Far from feeling depressed, suffering, and more positive in looking at life.

Allow the child to express

What is meant to let children express here is not to let children do whatever they like. However, it provides space and opportunities for children to express what their desires and aspirations are. Express his creative ideas, express his voice and opinions. It is good to further hone the creativity of children. Children are not depressed, happier, and can enjoy the choice. Even if the child's choice is wrong, it does not mean you have to judge a child. Does not someone to be "smart" and "better" have to go through a process? Falling, wrong, and failing are part of the process of becoming a better person.

Maintain closeness and warmth of parent-child relationships

The close relationship between the child and the parent is a very important capital for the child to be able to ride his life forward later. The closeness and warmth of a parent-child relationship will create a smooth communication between parent-child. Thus, when a child faces problems and obstacles in his life, the parent does not stand in front of the child as a "judge" but stands by the child to give support to the child.

Proximity and warmth with children will also foster a sense of security in the child. The feeling of being safe and comfortable makes the child more positive and happier in life.

Take care of yourhealth and your child Being a parent is not easy

Educating and raising a child is not an easy matter. Very reasonable if sometimes there are parents who feel depressed, depressed because of the heavy burden and responsibilities he assumed as parents.

Not to mention the added various problems in life such as demands to meet economic needs, work problems or other problems, which often make parents stress. If that's what happens to you, fix it immediately and do not let it drag on, because it can interfere with your mental health and ultimately will also interfere with your child's mental health.

That is the parenting that parents need to apply to make their children grow into a happy person.


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