Sounds Reasonable To Me... Ideology vs Science

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

Courtesy Pinterest

We live in an age where ideology is often accepted as science... Ideology, however, requires only belief whereas science requires proof. For example, the Big bang Theory- ideology masquerading as science. let's look at it more closely... First there was nothing- no matter, no time, nothing. Then a proton became so compressed that it imploded and became the universe as we know it. As my friend Tobin would so eloquently say: "Get the f**k outta here! They don't make hip-boots that big." If there was nothing, where did the proton come from? A proton is a subatomic particle. Nothing is the absence of ANYTHING (including, obviously, protons). Moreover, what did it explode into" You can't explode into nothing- it requires space. This doesn't even meet the test for common sense. Why is it accepted as science? Because "really smart guys" say so. Sorry, no sale.

The "social sciences are particularly vulnerable to ideological manipulation. The social sciences in themselves offer little scientific proof, only sets of assumptions. A good example is Marxism. The basis of almost all social sciences begins with a "state of nature" argument... that is, how do people exist and interact in a state of nature. Marx's fatal error (among many) is the belief that in a state of nature people are altruistic... that they will be naturally cooperative and that this most basic inclination of human nature has been "socialized" out of us by capitalism. In fact, the opposite is true. People will inevitably do what is in their own interest unless forced to do otherwise. Simply put, people don't cooperate because they're naturally good, they cooperate because it's in their interest to do so... most often their survival as part of a group depends on it.

Marx is an easy sell, however. We all like to think of ourselves as "good people." The self esteem movement, that has taken over public education, is predicated on this belief. If you were to interview any of the social justice warriors such as ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter, or any of the other groups perpetrating violence around the country, they would all tell you that they are good people fighting the good fight against some social malfeasance... the end justifying the means. Social justice, like a perfect society,however, is an impossible goal. What these individuals are in reality are just spoiled children fighting for their own way... after all they're entitled to it because they're good people.

Darwin's theory is another of these unprovable hypotheses masquerading as science. Darwin, in fact, wasn't attempting to explain how species evolve at all. He was attempting to create an argument to bolster the superiority of the white race (men in particular)... the last part of the title: "The Survival of Preferred Races in the Struggle For Life," has been conveniently deleted. The legacy of Darwin has been disastrous... Herbert Spencer's Social Darwinism is just a natural extension. From that movement came Eugenics which led to Hitler's racial purity or racial hygiene laws... and it wasn't limited to Nazi Germany by any stretch. Eugenics, in fact, was "made in the USA." America as well as most of Europe also adopted eugenics laws that caused sterilizations of the "unfit" in the tens of thousands.

The point is that all of these ideologies masquerading as science sound plausible on the surface, but often cause disastrous results. I used to do a lecture entitled Designing the Perfect Society- actually 2 three hour lectures. As a part of it I offer the following theory:

In the original dispersal of people around the globe, people who lived in particularly hot climates had darker skin and eyes, whereas people in colder climates has light skin and light (blue) eyes. The reason is that dark skin and eyes ward off harmful rays from the sun and light skin attract them. In the more temperate climates they get more direct sunlight so dark skin is a necessity and the opposite is true of more northern climates. Knowing what we know... that warmer temperatures provide a longer growing season would naturally result in a surplus of production and colder climates would naturally, because of shorter growing seasons, result in competition for scarce resources. Therefore we can discern that people with dark skin and eyes would naturally be more cooperative and people with light skin and eyes would be more competitive.

I would then ask the class how many would agree that it sounds reasonable... the overwhelming response was yes. The fact is that people are basically the same the world over at any given point in time. The theory is BS, I made it up. There is no perfect society, never was, never will be. All there is are groups of flawed, imperfect people doing the best they can. The drawback of social engineering is that not everyone is going to fit the paradigm... What are you going to do with those that don't fit in? Hitler had a plan. Mao had a plan. Stalin had a plan. If there is one lesson to learn from the 20th century, it's that social engineering doesn't work... of course, that won't keep people from trying.



I entirely agree with you because ideology is accepted as science.

Totally agree...I've been wondering the same thing about the Big Bang theory...

I am religious and have faith. My religion is reality. :) Good post.

"It is settled science, there are infinite genders!!!"

"Antifa is against control"

I have to admit seeing real comments like those on reddit and the like piss me off. People just ignore evidence to fit their emotional bs too much. Luckily it is getting harder to do that with video evidence.


Well. identifying as an Eskimo lesbian midget, I'll have to agree!

A fine post sir, where you wear your ideologies on your sleeve. As a sign of respect, I shall refrain from kibbitzing with words, wrangling, and egoistic self affirmations.

I liked what you had to say.


Edit: aAAAaaaarrrgghh! I can't do it!

I need just.. just a little arrogant conceit..

"The theory is BS, I made it up."

That's where theories come from! Whew! I feel better now. Sorry!

As to Darwinian evolution, have you heard of Stabilization Theory? Eugene McCarthy. Actually a far better match to the fossil record of 'punctuated equilibrium'. Nice guy too. The good Dr. wrote 'the' Handbook of Avian Hybrids, and has mondo chops.

The first thought that came to mind reading your post was a conversation I fled just yesterday with a Flat Earther. The propaganda was strong with that one! I offered simple, easy to verify ways to establish the world was round, gravity existed, and inertia too. Wrote my happy little heart out in good faith.

Whoops! I swear I'll NEVER do that again with a FE'er.

Honestly, thanks for the thought provoking post.

Stay as inquisitive, reasonable, and irascible as you are.

It makes me happy =)

I take care of my former boss (I used to run his companies because he's always been sick) and I showed him a FE video so he could get a laugh. It was well done and the presenter made a compelling argument... But come on!!! Now he believes it!

Oh, the irony!

you must have faith.
god moves in mysterious ways.
there are some things man is not meant to know..

He does indeed my friend! God himself is one of many. I wrote a paper years ago about the big bang and the creation of the universe. We can define concepts like infinity and eternity but our minds don't have the capability to absorb all that they encompass. Time is another thing. What possible use can an eternal being have for time- and what time does God go by, EDT? GMT?

so don't QUESTION
that's heretical
blashphemy even
just sit a good boy
and chip your flint.
Like god intended us too.

Ok you win... I'll just shut up now!

can't have it both ways.
either one or the other.

Ok then... I'll go with one.

"...what time does God go by, EDT? GMT?"

The only time a rational God would go by, UTC!

I'm not sure about that... I heard His voice once and he didn't have any accent- I think he's from Ohio ;-P

Everyone believes what they want to believe, we think we are very reasonable but we are really quite emotional.

Interesting that you mentioned ideology and science, because I believe that both fulfill the role that religion once did.

Ideology tells you how to think, and science tells you that it is true and not.

Although we believe that we are very advanced and we are very different from the past, reality is not like that.

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