10 Reasons Why I've Quit Teaching

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: 10 Reasons Why I've Quit Teaching

I've moved to Hive, along with most other people, following Justin Sun's takeover of Steem in the Spring of 2020. I believe hive is a lot more decentralised than Steem!


It appears that education, along with so many other things, is being turned on it's head. I don't understand the direction we are heading as a species.I think the pursuit of imbalanced profit(rather than an honest living from a fulfilling career of service) is becoming the goal of individuals and businesses. Lead by sensationalized media and marketing that is becoming more influential by the minute. A long winded way of saying we are losing touch with reality and what actually provides satisfaction in life.
It's no wonder we are having a repeat of the social rebellion of the 1960s.

Quite - it is difficult to know how to resist these things rather than just drop out like I'm doing.

They didn't have mobile phones back in the 1960s!

A saying I have come up with is:
"Technology changes, but human behavior doesn't."
We think new technology makes us different or better than past generations, but somehow, in spite of tech advances, we seem to re-create the same problems and situations.
I am seeing the development of a social rebellion that reminds me of the 60s. But just like the 60s, the only thing that will ultimately be accomplished is shifting things around.
I am not convinced that human beings haveevolved, even after millennia.
Were you a sociology professor?


Possibly slightly unusual to comment on yr own post but I just wanted to celebrate/ brag about getting one post @curie'd @sndbox-alpha'd @ocd'd and @steemiteducation'd

Big thankyou - and you'll all be delighted to know that your collective crowd wisdom has valued my post at 1/20th of this guy's...


I'm truly humbled...

congrats!! haha i think that is incredibly rare and notable!! <3

You have been upvoted by the @sndbox-alpha! Our curation team is currently formed by @jeffbernst, @bitrocker2020, @jrswab & @teachblogger . We are seeking posts of the highest quality and we deem your endeavour as one of them. If you want to get to know more, feel free to check our blog.

Excellent - thankyou kindly. Love sndbox-alpha!

I am not sure if this post is uplifting or sad. Sad because of the problems with the education system but uplifting because your here now making an alternative income.

Thanks for posting. Always interesting to get a perspective from someone who has walked a different path in life.

Hey thanks for the comment.... I think it's sad that it's so unbearable, and there just doesn't seem to be any solution to it.... without dismantling the system and just starting again.

I don't think any one individual being able to escape anything is anything to celebrate on a global level.... only a very few can do what I'm doing unfortunately.

Yes but a few can turn to many. It always starts with a few .

Agree about the school system. We are thinking of homeschooling our little ones when they get old enough.

If you've got the cultural capital, then it's a great idea... I think homeschooling is quite a big thing here on steemit!

I love a little tense wandering 😁

and this is one of the things I like about steemit: you can play and evolve things as they develop, and people generally go along with it.

Commonly referred to as Steemit syndrome by osm0sis. People forget what was said yesterday so I think st '4 months ago' you are pretty safe!

Despite never tracking, I worked in slackerdemia for 15 or so years and heard many of the above gripes and well, facts from colleagues.

For what it's worth, your employers sound like they are losing one of the good ones.

Welcome to Blockchain hippy stardom 😁

I think a lot of the above does apply to Higher Ed too, there's quite a few left-leaning sociologists of education writing about it (as you can imagine). Stephen Ball's probably the most famous.

That's a nice theory by @osmosis, but don't people actually have to read something first in order to be able to forget it? As a general rule, people reading what I write is a problem I don't suffer from on steemit. There's the occasional exception of course!

I used to be good, now I'm jaded, definitely time to move on!

I've spawned a few trainees in my time, so everything'll be in good hands and I'm very much looking forward to NOT having an employer... funny I was just thinking what a radical way of distributing money steemit is, in comparison to working for someone else, or even for yourself (inequality/ injustice issues aside for the moment.).

Cheers for the comment, appreciated!

but don't people actually have to read something first in order to be able to forget it?

Cynical. But yes, they do :)

I'm looking forward to you becoming 'free', and having been thinking of collecting a group of blockchain reprobates who are trying to survive without working for some one, or some thing else.

If you spot someone wandering around, holes in jeans and unclean shaven perhaps, let me know :)

I'm looking forward to me becoming free too, or rather dependent on more precarious income streams. Apparently I just missed an escape to wild programme featuring a guy who makes a living foraging and brewing beer, sounds wonderful.

I'll keep an eye out, but there aren't too many of those in Surrey!

precarious income streams

Indeed. But what the hell, I'm up for giving it a go. I've been very lucky thus far, and I'm trying to share that with as many decent folk as I can find.

I do need more nature and beer in my life, that does sound like good fun.

I'm feeling fairly optimistic ATM!

Did you see @Ned on Bloomberg? - https://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/2018-05-07/steemit-1st-social-media-platform-built-on-top-of-a-blockchain-video

They actually raise the question of low quality content hitting the top of the trending pages... he's clearly thinking something's got to change....

"education is expected to compensate for many other social problems": That's the impossible task. If you are going to take on that challenge, better to do it as a volunteer than as someone whose salary it tied to the result.

I agree, or sort out said problems @root!

UK and Australia are probably two economies heavily reliant on exporting everything academics (importing overseas students or setting up offshore campuses) for piles of $$$. Academic institutions can't escape from marketing, a school perhaps yields 10 times profits from one overseas student than a local one.

Fair point, but I was rather talking about marketing in my 6th form college - and the effect of seeing an image of the college projected at me every day that I don't recognise when in my college. It induces a certain sense of alienation.

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