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What is Learning?
Learning is an act of acquiring knowledge and a gradual change in the behavior of the learners. It is an enrichment of experience in learning. There is always an interaction between the environment and the organism. Learning can also be termed as a change in seize, behaviour,motivation,and percerption. It is a process which involves the learning and what is said to learn. Learning bring about change in behavior inother to solve the problem arising within eniviroment. Factor that affect learning. There are two factors that affect learning they are the internal factors and external factors. To start with what are the external factors :-Hereditary - some children are very rich in educational environment while some are very poor. The nature intelligent is different. Individual children which is varried in particular activities
Physical condition - This includes Body weakness, fatigue, malnutrition, bad health. These are great hindrance to learning.
Home condition - This includes bad ventilation, bad lighting, overcrowding, personal hygiene, feeding etc all these affect the rate of learning and general response of the child.
Internal factors this includes
Goals and purpose - Definite goals and should be set before each child according to the standard expected of him or her immediate goals should be set before small children while distance goals for olders ones.
Motivaton - Motivation of children is needed in a class room it means to move or put in to motions the desirable of children manners and in a certain situation. It is the process of crossing substaining and regulating students internal energy.
Interest - means a latent attention it increases motivation engagement and persistence. Teacher should demonstrate enthusiasm in what they teach. Teacher should also offer meaningful choices for students to learn by using engaging real life problem and instersting topics.
Age -learning taxes should be be accordance with the the age of the students. Problem solving (questions) can be not expected from an infant.
Emotional condition -:Children should be raise when they show good results. This gives them encouragement to do much better and help to develop self confidence, and self respect.
Attention -: This is describes as concentration or focusing of consciousness of an ideas, attention is the essential elements in all aspects of learning . The attention of the students must be secured by the teacher always.


Nice write-up keep it up.

Well done kid sister

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