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RE: Quick Steemit Lessons - #1a - Develop Post Series You're Passionate About

This is a great and really inspiring, exciting post! :-)

I think that it helps that I am hovering around the same realm and feelings right now, similar to the ones you discuss in this post.

I think it helps too that I love trance music :-) (anything from Shelia Chandran 'A Bone Crone Drone' to Goan Trance (I have many compilation CDs from the height of the scene back in the '90s).

I am really enjoying posting in various connected series. I'm wary of posting in too many far and wide, and spreading myself too think, but I'm too enthused with that liberating feeling of being able to post what I want and tap into already-existing audiences to care too much about being cautious :-) :-) :-)

I am getting to grips with the issue of 'writing too much' by writing too much (doh!) and then cutting my overly long posts into two or three posts. It is taking some self-control but I feel as though I am finding my rhythm this way.

Two of my hot tips:

  • One. I write all of my posts in .txt files first and then copy/paste the appropriate chunks into my Steemit posts. This way I avoid the possibility of writing a huge piece and then being unable to post / losing it if the browser crashes etc.

  • Two. Writing the posts in .txt files allows me to sit with an article for a while and edit it a few times. This helps me to avoid editing after I have posted. I am learning that editing posts after they have been posted (especially long posts) is one of the fastest ways to use of bandwidth on Steemit.

  • Three. (Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition! With our two tips of .. oh...) My third tip is that I have a folder called 'Steemit' where I organise all of my .txt files for posts, and all of my graphics too.

  • Four. I'm using to create my graphics quickly as I find that obsessing over graphics that I am creating is one of my biggest procrastinations that I use to avoid posting :-) Anything that oils the pipeline for getting a post from idea to posted, is a big win as far as I am concerned.

I should really make a post about what I am writing about in this comment! :-) :-)

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