This Is An Educational Container For The Character Of Youth [#SCOUT EDUCATION FOR STEEMIT EDUCATION PART 1]-(BILINGUAL)

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)



Introduction, Who Are We?


Scout education is an educational activity undertaken by the Indonesian Scout Movement. The Indonesian Scout Movement is a non-formal education organization that organizes scouting education conducted in Indonesia. "Scout" itself is a term for members of the Indonesian Scout Movement. The word "scout" is an abbreviation of "young karana" which means "youth who love to work". Scouting education is one of the educational process that is carried out in the wild in the form of activities that are interesting, appealing, healthy, regular with basic principles and scouting methods that aim to the formation of character, noble character and morals. Our education is an education system tailored to the needs, circumstances and the development of the nation and way of life of Indonesian society.

Scout education as a forum for scouting education in Indonesia, which is part of national education, certainly has a goal to foster young people in improving the existing potentials in every "scout". Among these potentials is the intellectual potential, physical and most important is to instill spiritual potensis as a nation that bertegegama and uphold the values ​​of the divine. Scout education activities carried out in an effort to achieve some of the main goals that have been declared.


Yes, Pramuka is an acronym of Praja Muda Karana, which means young people who like to work. Scout Movement has the symbol of Tunas Kelapa which means the bud of the successor of the nation. The shoot itself is considered the embryo that will grow, meaning that the Scout starts from the bud that will continue to grow and its existence can be felt by others. Currently the government re-enforce Scout activities as mandatory activities that must be held by schools either from elementary level, junior high school to high school. It is intended that all students from elementary to high school have basic Scout skills and survival skills. Currently the government establishes Wednesday as the day of Scouting in all schools and requires students and teachers to use Scout uniforms.

When Can Kids Learn to Scout?

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Studying Boy Scout is actually recognizable since the beginning of elementary school entrance. The shape of the activity is certainly different for each level. First grade elementary school more singing and playing activities. Unlike the children who sit in bench grade 3 or 4 who have started to do activities that are heavier than before.

Scout level is divided by age group, Scout Movement Member consists of Young Member and Adult Member.

Young Members are Students of Scout Movement divided into several groups:

1.Standby Groups are members aged 7 - 10 years

2.The Penggalang Group is a member aged 11-15 years

3.Enforcement Group is a member who is aged 16-20 years

4.Pandega Group is a member aged 21-25 years

Members aged over 25 years old are members of an adult.

Thus Scout activities are acceptable to children when he enters elementary school. Parents are expected to give support to their children to be interested in Scouting activities so that children will be able to benefit from following the activity. Benefits of Following Scouting Activities. Actually there are many things that are obtained when children follow Scout activities. Almost everything he learned in Scouting can be practiced in everyday activities, such as making a work of used things (milk cartons, milk cans or soap wrappers), cooking, preparing and tidying personal items. He also learns to survive when living in the open by making tents, making wood fire, eating with makeshift materials, not relying on electricity, away from the crowd and difficult to find any needs. It was at such an atmosphere that he was trained to survive.

Lots of benefits gained by him by following the Scout activities. What are the advantages of following the Scouting activity from an early age?

1. Discipline

When children follow Scouting activities, the most basic lesson is the formation of a child's character. He will be trained to prepare and do anything by himself without the help of parents. He will also be trained to be on time like waking, bathing, eating, studying or other activities. Children who are trained in discipline since childhood will be accustomed to discipline so it will be a good habit that carried over to adult and can work with satisfactory results because of the discipline.

2. Responsibility

When following the Scout activities, the child will be required to be able to take decisions in any case and be responsible with the decision. In Scout activities, he must be responsible while performing his duties. For example when making a tent they must be responsible for the safety of the tents. At the time of cooking, he must be responsible to others who enjoy the food. While camping he also studied responsibility with his own equipment.

3. Idependent

Many children are used to help by parents or housekeepers to take care of themselves. But by following the Scout activities he will learn to take care of his own needs. With independent learning will shape the child's character to be better than those who are accustomed to be served.

4. Communicate

When following the Scouting activities then the child will be required to get in touch with his friends, either a team with him or a different team. Activities in Scouts are mostly done in groups so they train them to communicate with their friends. With this activity, the formerly shy or reserved child can become more courageous to talk to others.

5. Creative

Many activities exist in Scouts that require children to use their creativity. Many activities that make children have to complete their tasks by using their brilliant idea. Thus their creativity is increasingly.

6. Leadership

In Scout activities, each child will have the opportunity to lead his / her own team. When it gets the opportunity that children will learn about the style of leadership so that when entering adulthood the child can become a leader, both workplace, organization, and when already married.

7. Loving nature

Many Scout activities are performed outdoors or in the wild. These activities require children to interact with nature, so indirectly will teach them to love nature and preserve the environment.

8. Ability to Survive

In Scout activities children will be taught various codes, how to tie the knot, make a tent, cook with makeshift equipment, first aid, and other skills that will be useful for survival in emergency situations. That is the importance of following the Scouting activities, which will shape good characters for them as they mature.

The purpose of Scout Education?

As every organization of course has a goal to be achieved as well as with scout education. In the implementation of secout education aims to:

  • Form, build, embody the personality, morals, and noble young people.
  • Enhance skills by exploring their potential so that the Boy Scouts are ready to be part of a useful, patriotic, resilient community member who will be a reliable future leader in the future.
  • To instill and nurture the love of the motherland, the spirit of nationality and the state's defensive spirit.

  • We are one of the Front Groups that organizes scout education activities. A Front Line that was established in 2010 has a lot of active role in improving the quality and development of scouts, especially at the kwartir branch level. In an effort to achieve the goal of the Indonesian Scout Movement we have organized a number of exciting, educative and innovative activities with the scouting method. Some interesting activities in this scout education, including:

    Adventure In The Wild


    Many activities in scout education are conducted in the open, one of the activities of exploration / hiking. Exploration is an exciting, challenging and fun outdoor activity that can pound the love of learners into nature and add insight into the environment. In relation to God the Almighty man has an obligation to be grateful and to preserve nature so beautiful and extraordinary. One form of gratitude is to engage in positive activities and become the most recent experience. Hiking is a deeply oriented activity with a very high level of risk. In scout education our exploration activities focus on "survival training" activities that are full of cliff tops, obstacles aimed at providing learners with experience to traverse through the challenges of themselves.


    Exploration activities are designed in such a way that the activities to accommodate a variety of skills as well as a variety of activities. In the course of the "survival training" activities we teach them to understand scouting in the wild so they can master: **create travel maps, read terrain maps (topographic maps), trail marks, passwords or cues, estimate, panorama sketches nature, knowledge of emergency first aid science (PPGD), obstacles, rapling and mountainering.** In the implementation we assign tasks to them, so that during the execution of these tasks there is a process of implementation and development of: **leadership, teamwork, independence, democracy, dexterity and knowledge skills**. In addition, the implementation of scraping in scout education is also at the same time as an effort to increase the ability of learners about skills, social, spiritual, emotional, managerial and communication skills.


    The exploration in our scout education has taken into account some of the most important factors including: **the safety of learners, the level of difficulty that can be overcome, being friendly and educating in achieving the objectives of the scouting education method**. Exploring will give some benefits to the learners, including:

    Grow Student Skills


    At the time of carrying out the exploration we teach the learners to be able to be skilled in taking care of themselves and keeping the team members from the threat of danger, whether coming from nature itself or from the existing wild animals. Knowledge of skills is not only theoretical, but in reality these skills need to be always trained and practiced. Through these explorations learners will apply all the features they have, so that their knowledge of skills will increase.

    Gaining New Experience In Their Lives


    In the exhaustion they will discover many new and unexpected things that they have not known before. Through exploration activities in scout education, learners have gained insight, as well as new experiences whether they are spiritually, physically, and physically. Many of the newest things about nature that we gave them during the journey of nature exploration. During the journey they face a variety of terrain or roads that are difficult to pass and the biodiversity of plants that exist in the path of exertion so that they are more friendly with nature.

    Body Fitness And Mental Resistance

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    By traveling explorers in scout education activities of course the body of the learners become stronger and healthier. Because it is a walking activity, walking along the track is a great way to train your muscles to stay strong and healthy. On the way learners also get a number of problems either because of the difficult path to pass or because of problems that arise from members of their team in this case of their mental resilience is very necessary.

    The well-designed and well-designed hunting / hiking is an educational medium that aims to develop the skills of scout members, both spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, communally, managerial, physically, cyclically and socially, so scout education is one of the best containers to educate people to become more berkarater and noble.

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    Let me post this time about education, may be useful.
    Look forward to the next post in upcoming post steemit education.
    Regards Steemians
    Scout salute
    Thak You Team Scout Education From Indonesia
    @ponpase @pojan @bangmimi







    Introduction , siapa kami ?


    Scout education merupakan sebuah kegiatan pendidikan yang dilaksakan oleh Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia. Gerakan pramuka Indonesia merupakan sebuah organisasi pendidikan non formal yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan kepanduan yang dilaksanakan di Indonesia. "Pramuka" sendiri merupakan sebutan bagi anggota Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia. Kata "pramuka" adalah singkatan dari "praja muda karana" yang berartikan "para pemuda yang suka berkarya". Pendidikan kepramukaan adalah salah satu proses pendidikan yang dilaksanakan di alam bebas dalam bentuk kegiatan yang menarik, meneyenangkan, sehat, teratur dengan prinsip-prinsip dasar dan metode kepramukaan yang bertujuan untuk pembentukan watak, budi pekerti luhur dan akhlak. Pendidikan yang kami laksanakan merupakan sistem pendidikan yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan, keadaan serta perkembangan bangsa dan cara hidup masyarakat Indonesia.

    Scout education sebagai wadah penyelanggaraan pendidikan kepanduan di Indonesia yang merupakan bahagian dari pendidikan nasional, tentu memiliki sebuah tujuan untuk membina kaula muda dalam meningkatkan pontensi-potensi yang ada pada setiap "Pramuka". Diantaranya potensi tersebut adalah potensi intelektual, fisik serta yang paling penting adalah menanamkan potensis spiritual sebagai sebuah bangsa yang bernegarama dan menjunjung tinggi nilai-nilai ketuhanan. Kegiatan scout education dilaksanakan dalam upaya mencapai beberapa tujuan pokok yang telah dicanangkan.

    Tujuan Scout Education ?

    Sebagai mana setiap organisasi tentu memiliki sebuah tujuan yang ingin dicapai begitu pula halnya dengan scout education. Dalam pelaksanaannya secout education bertujuan untuk :

  • Membentuk, membina, mewadahi kepribadian, moral, serta akhlah mulia kaum muda.
  • Meningkatkan ketrampilan dengan menggali potensi mereka sehingga pramuka siap menjadi bahagian dari anggota masyarakat yang bermanfaat, patriotik, tangguh, serta akan menjadi calon pemimpin yang handal dimasa yang akan datang.
  • Menanamkan serta menumbuhkan sikap cinta tanah air, semangat kebangsaan dan jiwa bela negara

  • Kami adalah salah satu Gugus Depan yang menyelenggarakan kegiatan scout education. Sebuah Gugus Depan yang berdiri pada tahun 2010 telah banyak berperan aktif dalam meningkat kualitas dan perkembangan pramuka khususnya ditingkat kwartir cabang. Dalam upaya untuk mencapai tujuan dari Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia maka kami telah menyelenggarakan sejumlah kegiatan yang menarik, edukatif dan inovatif dengan metode kepramukaan. Beberapa kegiatan menarik dalam scout education ini, diantaranya :

    Berpetualanga Di Alam Bebas


    Banyak kegiatan dalam scout education yang dilaksanakan di alam terbuka, salah satu kegiatannya yakni penjelelajahan/hiking. Penjelajahan merupakan suatu kegiatan yang dilaksanakan di alam terbuka secara menarik, menantang serta menyenangkan yang dapat menumbuk kembangkan kecintaan peserta didik kepada alam dan menambahkan wawasan tentang lingkungan sekitar. Dalam hubungan dengan Tuhan Yang Maha Esa manusia memiliki kewajiban untuk mensyukuri dan menjaga kelestarian alam yang begitu indah dan sangat luar biasa. Salah satu bentuk syukur ialah dengan melakukan kegiatan bersifat positif dan menjadi pengalaman terbaru. Hiking/penjelahan adalah sebuah kegiatan yang berorientasi dialam dengan tingkat resiko yang sangat tinggi. Dalam scout education kegiatan penjelajahan kami fokuskan kepada kegiatan "survival training" yang penuh dengan naik turun tebing, halang rintang yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pengalaman kepada peserta didik untuk meraskan suatu keberhasilan melintasi hal-hal yang menantang diri mereka.


    Kegiatan penjelajahan dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga kegiatan untuk menampung berbagai macam ketrampilan serta menjadi kegiatan yang bervariasi. Dalam pelaksanaanya kegiatan "survival training" kami memberikan ilmu kepada mereka untuk memahami ilmu kepramukaan di alam bebas sehingga mereka mampu menguasai : membuat peta perjalanan, membaca peta medan (peta topografi), tanda jejak, sandi atau isyarat, menaksir, membuat sketsa panorama alam, pengetahuan tentang ilmu pertolongan pertama gawat darurat (PPGD), halang rintang, rapling dan mountainering.


    Dalam pelaksanaannya kami memberikan tugas-tugas kepada mereka, sehingga pada saat pelaksanaan tugas-tugas tersebut terjadilah proses penerapan dan pengembangan tentang : kepemimpinan, kekompakan/kerja tim, kemandirian, demokratis, ketangkasan dan ketrampilan pengetahuan. Selain hal itu, pelaksanaan penjelalahahan dalam scout education juga sekaligus sebagai upaya untuk meningkat kemampuan peserta didik tentang ketrampilan, sosial, spiritual, emosional, manajerial dan ketrampilan berkomunikasi. Penjelajahan dalam scout education kami telah memperhitungkan beberapa faktor yang sangat terpenting diantaranya : keselamatan peserta didik, tingkat kesulitan yang mampu diatasi, bersikap ramah dan mendidik dalam mencapa tujuan dari metode pendidikan kepramukaan. Penjelajahan akan memberikan beberapa manfaat bagi para peserta didik, diantaranya :

    Menumbuhkan Ketrampilan Peserta Didik


    Pada saat melaksanakan penjelajahan kami mengajarkan peserta didik untuk dapat mampu terampil dalam mengurus diri sendiri dan menjaga anggota tim dari ancaman bahaya, baik yang datang dari alam itu sendiri maupun dari binatang-binatang buas yang ada. Pengetahuan akan ketrampilan bukan hanya bersifat secara teori saja, namun pada kenyataannya ketrampilan ini perlu selalu dilatih dan praktekkan. Melalui penjelajahan ini peserta didik akan mengaplikasikan semua ketranpilan yang mereka miliki, sehingga dengan demikian pengatahuan ketrampilan mereka akan semakin meningkat.

    Memperoleh Pengalaman Baru Dalam Kehidupan Mereka


    Dalam penjelahan mereka akan menemukan banyak hal-hal baru dan tak terduga yang sebelumnya belum mereka ketahui. Melalui kegiatan penjelajahan dalam scout education para peserta didik telah mendapat wawasan, serta pengalaman baru baik bersifat secara spiritual, sikis, maupun fisik mereka. Banyak hal-hal terbaru pengetahuan tentang alam yang kami berikan kepada mereka selama melakukan perjalanan penjelajahan alam. Selama perjalanan mereka menghadapi berbagai macam medan atau jalan yang susah untuk dilewati serta keaneragaman hayati tumbuhan yang ada pada jalur penjelahan sehingga mereka semakin bersahabat dengan alam.

    Kebugaran Tubuh Dan Ketahan Mental

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    Dengan melakukan perjalanan selam penjelajahan dalam kegiatan scout education tentunya tubuh para peserta didik menjadi lebih kuat dan sehat. Karena penjelahan merupakan aktivitas berjalan kaki, dengan berjalan kaki mengikuti jalur penjelajahan sangat baik untuk melatih otot agar tetap kuat dan sehat. Dalam perjalanan peserta didik juga mendapatakan sejumlah masalah baik itu karena jalur yang susah dilewati ataupun karena masalah yang muncul dari anggota tim mereka dalam hal ini tentu ketahanan mental mereka sangat diperlukan.

    Penjelahan/hiking yang dirancang dan disusun dengan baik merupakan suatu media pendidikan yang bertujuan untuk mengembangkan berbagai ketrampilan para anggota pramuka baik ketrampilan yang bersifat secara spiritual, intelektual, emosional, komunikasi, manajerial, fisik, sikis, dan sosial, oleh karena itu scout education adalah salah satu wadah terbaik untuk mendidik kaum menjadi untuk menjadi lebih berkarater dan berakhlak mulia.

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    Demikanlah post saya kali ini tentang pendidikan, semoga bermanfaat.
    Nantikan post selanjutnya dalam post steemit edukasi yang akan datang.
    Salam Steemians
    Salam Pramuka
    Tem Work Scout Education From Indonesia
    @ponpase @pojan @bangmimi







    Wawwww sangat kreativ @ponpase. Lage polisi haha

    haha, thank you banyak sekali !

    good job !

    saya pendatang baru di steemit
    mohon bimbinan nnya

    hahaha, terimoeng geunaseh rakan !

    sip nyan, pajan-pajan taduk.

    Thank you... Keep steem..

    sangat keren ya bang postingan nya
    berhasil terus bang ya ...

    Hehe, terima kasih banyak adou @muhajir169, tetap semangat...

    Good luck!

    Hehe, very good kembali rakan @ismailrafael

    Thank you banyak-banyak...

    salam pramuka... memang apa yang diajarkan di pramuka sangat berguna sekali bagi kehidupan keseharian dan setuju, bisa diterapkan di Steemit ini.

    Salam pramuka...Hehe, terima kasih banyak ibu @mariska.lubis.

    "Pramuka bukanlah segalanya, tapi di pramuka ada segalanya" begitu kata salah satu kawan saya.

    Saya sendiri sudah menjadi dari bahagian ini sejak usia kelas 6 SD hingga sekarang, dan alhamdulillah sanagt banyak HAL YANG LUAR BIASA TELAH SAYA DAPAT DI PRAMUKA.

    keren bro, pembelajaran pramuka di sekolah sangat lah perlu

    Hehe, benar bang @azwarangkuti, terima kasih sudah mampir, salam kenal.

    Good luck....

    Sneaky Ninja Attack! You have been defended with a 1.29% vote... I was summoned by @ponpase! I have done their bidding and now I will vanish...Whoosh

    Thank you.. Good job.

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