7 common educational myths

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

Educational myths exist in every society; they are beliefs formulated as truths in the student sphere and transmitted to all generations.

Many times it is thought that education is something simple and that there is a perfect formula that leads directly to success. Thanks to this, a good amount of educational myths have emerged around the teaching process. These must be left uncovered to break paradigms and achieve an integral education.

It is public knowledge that the task of educating is arduous, complicated. It has its ups and downs and and progress depends on the will and motivation of the student.

Not everything is the responsibility of the teacher in the classroom; parents have a duty to teach their children the habits and standards necessary for optimal behavior and performance in school.

A successful educational system is one that has the school, the home and the community as a whole . In this way, a consistent and stable balance is achieved for the student.

With respect to the existing educational myths, there are different opinions and questions about them. Then the six most common are left uncovered.

The 7 most common educational myths

1.Students who live in low-income households will have a worse performance

Each student evolves according to their means and possibilities. They have skills and abilities that they develop at their own pace. The type of housing, in principle, has nothing to do with their learning.

In many cases, low-income students are more applied than the more affluent. The reason is that they want a better life condition which can be achieved by acquiring a good profession.

Of course, the place of study, family culture or what your children have seen in their parents can influence them. However, it does not have to be decisive.

2.Less students in a classroom, higher performance

What really matters is the quality of the teacher, not the number of students. Of course, with fewer students, the attention is more personalized; But if the group does not care about its evolution, it may not matter much the number of students in the classroom.

That high school is more difficult than primary education is one of the most common educational myths.

It is necessary to invest in the search for professionals in education who, in addition to having a degree, have a vocation towards teaching. A teacher with a vocation will attend a group whether large or small. He will teach and love them with determination and zeal as he should.

3.The most talented student will be the most successful

Although there are some who affirm that the academic performance of a child depends on his inheritance and not on the effort that exerts when studying; It is well known that it is not entirely true. All students are able to achieve good results by putting effort and dedication to what they do.

The talent they have innate in any field can help them in their studies, but this does not guarantee success. Much depends on the dedication and willingness of the school to obtain knowledge and results in the classroom.

4.Students with great mastery of technology are smarter

This could not be missing from the list of the most common educational myths. The world, globalization and modernisms involve everyone equally , whether they know how to handle them or not. However, knowing how to defend against these new technologies is a great help for anyone.

While it is true that the faster you acquire this type of knowledge, the more you will have mastery of the future, successfully mastering the technology and its advances does not leave the student's intelligence for granted.

Some may excel in different areas, such as literature, languages ​​and science; This does not mean that by not managing technology they lack intelligence. Everyone can show how smart he is in his favorite field.

It is recommended that those kids who are technology fans take advantage of their skills with this tool to learn languages.

5.Physical education is not important in the teaching of students

Physical activity has many benefits at the neurological level. For example, generate neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which help develop student attention and motivation.

It is also a very useful tool for school children suffering from ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) since it keeps them active and attentive in the exercises. Physical exercise, apart from strengthening the body, is capable of feeding the mind.

6.Private education is much better than public education

All educational institutions impart the same contents, what changes is the environment. The quality of education does not depend on the infrastructure.

The truth is that the vocation of the teacher and the desire to learn from the student are the ones that make the difference. If the scholar wants to learn, he will do it in an air-conditioned classroom or under a tree.

There are many educational myths that are far from the truth.

7.High school is more difficult than basic education

This could be one of the most repeated educational myths that is intensifying from generation to generation. All educational levels have their difficulty. How to deal with it depends on the degree of maturity the student has.

The primary is usually the strongest for some children, since they are used to being at home with their parents. That shock of going out, being surrounded by other children and being led by a person who is not your mother or father is usually traumatic at first.

Likewise, the secondary tends to be complicated, since the student presents physiological and identity changes. In addition, the fact that you will not be alone with a teacher and that your homework will intensify as the year progresses increases your stress.

The school environment is surrounded by repeated phrases that are not necessarily true. To truly know the relevant factors for this process is very useful to reverse them.


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