Family counseling.

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Is undoubtedly the most beautiful thing that can exist, it is the cradle of values, principles and good customs, it is the context in which a man and a woman unite with faith and hope, to create a descendant formed as people of good before society. It should be noted that not everyone can say the same about this term, because they have not had the luck to connect with their family, which therefore makes them somewhat skeptical when it comes to showing affection and other virtues.

The family nucleus is where a seed that complements a home germinates, where people learn to get along despite character differences and where parents are responsible for making their offspring receive the best to live.

The family focuses on making the union strength, because together they are links that are maintained despite the circumstances, where forgiveness is a philosophy and not a pretty word, where individualism ceases to exist, to work in collective. It is assumed that there is only a genuine nucleus, that in which children are raised and formed and recognized as the closest family, made up of parents and siblings, given that they are witnesses of their achievements and failures, and so General is the most common scenario of fights and reconciliations that mark a before and after in their lives.

It should be noted that there will be days when motherhood and fatherhood will cause stress, which can not be a reason to neglect the children or the couple, it is necessary to maintain understanding, for which you must leave aside many thoughts negative and concentrate on making family growth the most profitable, and even should not be allowed that some inconvenience with the couple, ruin the possibility of training children with their own criteria and security.

Parents, have the function of being leaders and heads of household, must provide a safe place for their children from two economic and emotional areas, the first because they must ensure their food, clothing, education and health and the second because they must help them achieve their emotional stability, recreate them, motivate them and give them all the necessary tools to develop their skills and abilities. It is not an easy task to raise and there is no book that tells you exactly the beautiful odyssey that awaits you, but if there is time to learn and achieve that feedback with your child.

It is important to highlight that assuming this role requires prior planning in which the protagonists in this initial stage, must prepare, both physically and mentally for their new experience, is not only the being, the couple, the attraction, is the conformation of something additional, that is why from then on they should consider many parameters such as the following:
  • My economic situation is enough to support a family?
  • I have the maturity to be a mother / father?
  • Do I have the emotional stability to make a small person depend on me?
  • Perhaps all these questions are frightening, but only time is the one that helps you answer them. And while it is true, there is no age to procreate, but that is not why it is acceptable to be a precocious father, so the decision to be parents must be discussed, evaluated by both parties and reach consensus on the new direction that their lives will take. It is an arduous and team-based task, in which parents must unite, unite together and fight for the welfare of their offspring, give them everything they need and teach them the value of things, so that when it is their turn to fight for something understand that mom and dad left everything aside, because in life you have to make sacrifices to obtain or fulfill the goals outlined throughout our career.

    Starting from there, it can be noted that children also have their "operational" role in the family, in them is the obedience and honor of the nucleus, they are the mirror of each sample of affection and teaching that comes from their parents and in between everything is sponges that absorb everything both good and bad, therefore has always been encouraged to parents to create reciprocity in their messages, something that leaves something positive to their children and not negative, depending on which can handle well with other people and in the different areas that correspond to coexist.

    Children are the parents' reason for being, they are a source of inspiration and motivation, sometimes it is advisable that if you are in the position of a child, values the quality time you spend with your parents, you will be able to establish a relationship of trust in If you see that they can help you, it is common to find communication at the crossroads of a child / adolescent versus a parent, communication is somewhat limiting, but it is important to understand that, far above situations, we must feel security in our parents, rather than in a stranger who calls himself our "friend".

    They are the ones who know you for a lifetime, those who care about you, who regardless of whether you have to call your attention or not intercede for you, so we must strengthen our ties to conceive a homogeneous relationship, in which both can talk about the concerns and thus achieve greater protection, security and spontaneity that is just and necessary so that you as a child can feel appreciated, esteemed and well despite the circumstances that arise in the day to day.

    The home is not the house, it is not the infrastructure, the home is the space for training, recreation and recreation of the genuine family nucleus, so that they can integrate and conceive of achieving union and support one another, because that is the way it is. many are the families that are rooted in archaic customs and leave their children aside because of the countless mistakes they have made in life; but in spite of everything it is unfair, because although it is true that people have a limit, being a father is a commitment for life. However, some people ignore that and prefer not to support their son.

    Everyone is master of their actions, but children do not ask to be born and although they form their criteria based on what they observe and learn at home, they also have the power to get out of the paradigm, since they are things in them, but ... well above their opinions they must understand that they come from a home to which they owe respect, they must understand that their parents also need support, and even though they are or have been the main ones to make mistakes, many times they have to be given an opportunity.

    If there is something that is clear, it is that the family nucleus is the place where we learn the most, where we form our concept about life, and impart the lessons we want others to learn and for that we do not need defined roles, we just need to have the willingness to speak and be honest in order to strengthen each other.

    Having the opportunity to be born is a blessing, but the opportunity to bring someone to this world is an experience that does not compare, it is something beautiful, beautiful, wonderful and even indescribable, it is the moment with more fear and joy that you can feel , because you finally know what it is to live that experience and think that it is yours, that your world from now on will revolve around that new creature.

    But the most important thing is that even if everything gets complicated and unfortunately you lose it, you will lose your son ... I would say that it is not so, because he is and will continue to be your son, because if God has allowed you to breed that little It was with a mysterious purpose but it had it, perhaps with the vision and make you a better person through an angel or on the other hand it prepared you for the adventure of living again this opportunity with the full assurance that you were ready.

    Do not be afraid to live, do not be afraid to create your family, live it, feel it and give your best that there is nothing more beautiful than feeling full of life, hope of light and happiness, because you know you are doing your job Well, because you know that not only are you happy but your son too, because when you give all and without measuring for them, they realize that they have been lucky to have someone like you by their side, because they will have no doubt that you would always want the best for your son.

    There are those who do not want to have children and are satisfied with their relationship, but if I were like that I would feel empty and although I respect the opinion of everyone I can guarantee, that having a child is and will be the best, they act as a company and give personal satisfaction, in fact I have come to think that skeptics only fear this experience, perhaps because of what it represents physically and mentally.

    But you will never stop feeling afraid, maybe you can avoid it a little, first fill yourself with light, wisdom, love, patience and understanding to join someone under the same convictions and structure on the basis of achieving a prosperous future, for a great future, so that together they can learn and be able to get ahead and keep in mind that there is a long way to go but when forming a family it is necessary to arm themselves with courage to give the best of themselves. Educate yourself to be parents and fight so that your child receives the best of you so that they can grow and train under the bosom of a beautiful family. For children to be examples and learn from you, forgive, laugh, cry, celebrate but above all have all the necessary elements to develop an optimal quality of life, pursuing their dreams that everything is possible and that the family is the most conducive circle to achieve what seems impossible.

    Thanks to @steemiteducation for supporting educational content

    Thank you for ypur post. Indeed family is one of the most valuable things we own and we have to do everything we can to raise ours founding this on love and understanding, so no matter what barrier is front of us we shall succed

    Thanks to you for reading.
    Your comment has been very correct

    well done, I think you've compressed all of a good family counselling course into a great post

    Thanks @alvinauh.
    Your words reward the effort made.

    I really appreciate your effort in letting us know the important matters about family.
    You did a great job in explaining it clearly. :)

    Thanks, @escuetapamela by your words.

    You are welcome. :)

    Great post @ojap02!

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    Thankful for your contribution. I will keep trying to produce better content.

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