Benefits of consuming tea

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what do you know a line of tea benefits that are considered better than coffee? This low caffeinated beverage not only helps to make someone more slender, but also useful to prevent chronic illness in the long term.

Tea one type of beverage known to be efficacious since thousands of years ago. At first, the Chinese brought tea drinking culture in many countries, including Indonesia.

Because nutritious, tea seems to be tested by some researchers in the world. No wonder, tea is preferred by many kdemensi
Almost all types of tea contain antioxidants, catechins, and polyphenols that have a positive impact on our body. Therefore, you must know the benefits to make no mistake. Here's more reviews, reported Mindbodygreen:

Lowers cholesterol
Many favorite green tea is found to help lower bad cholesterol. According to a meta study published in June 2011 in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, most experts recommend that you drink five cups of tea a day. Several studies have shown, more frequent tea consumption can lead to a decrease in bad cholesterol that triggers many diseases.

Prevent blindness
Because tea contains high levels of antioxidants, it is not surprising that research has found that tea drinking improves the cells and tissues in the eye. So the usefulness can prevent blindness caused by cataracts common to people today.

Prevent stress
Cortisol is a stress hormone that contributes to belly fat and makes your skin ages faster. One recent study suggests that a person who drinks four cups of tea per day can lower your cortisol levels. Of course this can reduce the risk of stress experienced by many women, especially.

Improve your memory
Extensive research has shown that the combination of caffeine and L-Theanine, a natural amino acid found in tea, increases reaction time in improving memory. This certainly makes you more focused thinking and concentration in completing the job.

As an anti-allergen
A 2007 study in Japan found that the content of polyphenols and EGCG in tea was anti-allergenic. Tea can also reduce the allergic response through quercetin, flavonol that occurs naturally in tea. This efficacy is known to reduce histamine response. So do not miss for tea everyday, especially after lunch hour.

Reduce the risk of stroke
Drink at least three cups of green or black tea per day. Because it can reduce the risk of ischemic stroke, approximately 21%. So from now on, get used to drink tea And as a step to reduce the habit of coffee.

Prevent dementia
In order to keep your memory sharp, even in old age, you are allowed to drink tea. Because drinking tea can launch oxygen and blood flow to the brain. Since youth, your memory has remained active and prevents the habit of forgetting.

#### Reference [Manfaat minum teh](

Thanks for you time.


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