Good to Know: The Philippine Tarsier (Carlito Syrichta)

"Sharing is Loving" - one of the many quotes you would often hear from Filipinos. How better it is to share than with ideas, let alone, knowledge - to everyone, most especially here on Steemit.

SteemitEducation has been part of the community for sometime, and I think it is also high time for me to contribute starting from what we celebrate/have here in the Philippines. Being able to share the wonders of the Philippines to the community, or better yet, to invite them to come on over. If we can invite people to come on Steemit, we can definitely invite people to come and enjoy the country altogether, much like everyone inviting everyone else to come over to their own country.

Carlito Syrichta

Today, I will be talking about Carlito Syrichta. Sounds like a person? Well, it is named after a person.

Carlito Syrichta is the Scientific name of the Philippine Tarsier. It is the one and only member of the Genus-Carlito named after conservationist, Carlito Pizarras.

This my dear friends, is an EWOK. This is not a Tarsier.

The Philippine Tarsier is a member of the Tarsiidae family, whose name is derived from its long ankle bone (Tarsus). Originally part of the Genus -Tarsius, the Philippine Tarsier is endemic to the Philippines where it is located in the islands of Bohol, Siargao, and Basilan to name a few.

What is shy and nocturnal, these creatures, measuring an average of 85 to 160 mm (3.35 to 6.30 in), they are considered to be one of the smallest primates in the world - 3rd Smallest only next to Berthe's Mouse Lemur and the Marmosets. (Correct me if I am wrong)

Grandma, What big eyes you have?

The most distinguishing feature of the Philippine Tarsier is their eyes. If you would notice, their eyes are almost half of their actual size (I'm exaggerating here), it is actually fixated in their skull - meaning it does not move in it's socket. Now these big eyes have a purpose, they are actually excellent Night Vision - Nocturnal Goggles, easier to find a grasshopper dinner or maybe a midnight cricket snack.

Grandma, What big feet you have?

Having elongated Tarsus, where it's name is derived from, it uses this to jump from tree to tree (3meters at a time?), it also uses this along with their hands to grab on and cling to Trees. They are considered to be arboreal creatures as they are usually found just hanging on, Chillin. And so because of this, they are prone to predators from the sky that includes large birds like owls that would penetrate their hanging home. Not only that, Cats love to prey on them and maybe some other small carnivores that find their way to a Tarsier's household.

"Do or Don't Do, There is no Try" -Yoda

Endangered Life

To date, the Philippine Tarsier (Maybe the entire Tarsiidae Family) is already considered as an endangered specie. Looking at them gives you the feels that they are in need of protection. They look and feel very vulnerable as their average size is almost equivalent to that of an adult sized fist. There have been conservation initiatives attempting to safeguard, rehabilitate their habitat but the continuous rise of the human population as well as the conversion and modernization of previous forest areas are continuing to threaten these creatures into extinction.

Finish Line

The Philippine Tarsier is definitely a sight to see most especially when you come and visit the Philippines. If you get a chance to drop by Bohol and witness the famed Chocolate Hills, Tarsier watching is one of the attractions that you can definitely check out - but please do see them in their natural habitat, guides are available to take you viewing these magnificent yet shy creatures. (No Flash Please)

I hope you learned something about the Philippine Tarsier, what they are and how they are now. This is definitely a start, but having lived in Bohol for a good part of my life made me want to dedicate the first one to these amazing creatures.
If you enjoyed, and learned from this awesome adventure, please FOLLOW me, as I am planning to do more good to know stuff from the Philippines.
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See you guys on the next GOOD to KNOW(G2K)...


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Yah I remember, there is a show during the 90's titled Ewoks.

Very interesting - You write such great posts - resteemed

Thank you A! I'm glad you like my post :D

Great post - keep on going, Resteemed

Thank you @alishi! Will do :)

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