Give Appreciation for his efforts # Part I

 Appreciation is the strongest motivation.


Many parents complain by saying, "I have often praised my child, but it is totally useless.

In this discussion I must state that this complaint is true and true. Under certain conditions, praise is completely useless. If praise is useless, then is there anything else that can be used to deliver our children to good behavior ...?

In these circumstances, one of the best ways to educate is to give appreciation to our children by showing our concern for what they are doing. This appreciation is a form of motivation that can instill confidence and calm in their fragile hearts and make their desperate souls to love success, so they are free from shackles to solve every problem that comes and works earnestly.

This method of appreciation proves so appealing to children, because every child as well as every adult does not like it if they are underestimated. Because when someone interacts with others, they each carry a hidden mission that says: "you should respect me." Or "you should respect my existence.

There is even a symbolic story that tells us that when every human being is born, he pinned a sign that read: "I hope you are pleased to make me feel that I am an important person." So the real desire to be important is in our hearts.

It can even be said that there is nothing more pleasing to a person than the appreciation he receives from others and the recognition of his existence. That is how our children feel when they receive appreciation from their own parents. They must be so happy that he is ready to obey the wishes of their parents.

The principle of education that can be derived from here is that what praise does the child. Although much better is when we are able to appreciate what the child does without giving "spice" our feelings or emotions in it.

For the latter, we call it the phrase "pass and go."


An example is when you know that your child is playing quietly with her sister, what you should do is to go into the room where she is playing and then say, "Dad is glad to see you play quietly with your sister. After that get out or leave him without you having to spill any emotion to him.

Of course, when you give that kind of appreciation, you do not have to spoil your appreciation with a negative phrase like "... why not from yesterday did you play this quietly ?! What you add is at the end of your words. The humiliation of children and the reluctance of the people to respect them will undoubtedly have an adverse effect on their behavior because it will cause the child to become inferior, hateful, or even to remain alone in order to reinforce his existence.


From this explanation we can know that the important thing in this issue is how do we make our children feel appreciated. It is right for us to thank our children if they successfully complete their tasks. Such appreciation and appreciation bring us closer to our children and will make them willing to obey our commands.


Very nice article @nellysteem I agree that children need that affirmation from their parents so as to be healthy adults. Since children do not come with instructions, your article may serve as another tool for each parent's symbolic toolbox.

thanks @dinomyte, for your comments and explanations

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