
I found this article by reading one of the enciclopedy at home, I liked and wanted to share it with you. I hope you like it

Insurance companies have experience to calculate the risk of death of their customers. One of them has made in this table can be used by anyone with more than 20 years to calculate the projection of live a long time depending on your style of life. It sees the importance of exercise in order to reach an advanced age.

Start Assuming you will live 77 years for men and 81 for women; raise or subtract years, according to the answers to the following questions:

1.- What is your age?

Less than 50: don't do anything
from 51 to 55: add a
56 to 60 year 2: add
61 to 65 years: add 3 years
66 to 70: add 4 years

2.- Do you smoke?
More than 40 per day: Subtract 9
20 to 40 years to the day: Subtract 6 years
Less than 20 to say: do nothing.

3.- Do you?
(More than 5 drinks per day): subtract 10 years.
Little: do nothing.
Nothing: Subtract 2 years.

4.- Do you sex?
If you make love at least once a week: Add 1 year.

If a close relative:
a.- has died of a heart attack:

before the age of 50: Subtract 4 years.
Of the 51 to the 65: Subtract 2 years.

b.- It has suffered diabetes or a mental disorder: Subtract 3 years.

6.- Are you obese?
If your problem is not measured in kilos if you do not, in tens of kilos: Subtract 6 years.

Professional, technical or policy: Add 1 year.
Semi-specialized: Subtract 1 year.
Worker: Subtract 4 years
but, if you are active: add 2 years
if it is inactive subtract 2 years

8.- do you exercise?
If you exercise (deep breath) at least two times per week: add 3 years.

9.- Life-style?
Single, live alone: Subtract 1 year
widowed or divorced for less than 2 years: Subtract 4 years.

10.- Health?

It is an annual checkup: add 2 years
if you have suffered a serious illness requiring hospital treatment in the past 5 years: subtract 10.

Source: Encyclopedia SALVAT HEALTH


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