We are so inclined to judge a book by its cover.  

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This is something we must teach our children never to do. You might be wrong as this person might be a very nice person.

I found this video and it really impressed me as children and grownups can decide that they do not like somebody. Or that the person is rude.

This can be such a wrong thing to do. As how can you judge someone before even knowing them?

I so often told children in school when they were fighting with someone, why are you doing this, and mostly they would say we do not like this person.

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We must teach our children to give everyone a chance until to prove that they are actually a nice person.

Children should be taught that from a young age as it is so important not to be nasty to other people.

Ask them if the person did the same to them how would they feel?

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The bible tells us to love our neighbours as much as we love ourselves, and if we judge we will be judged.

Once they learn to give everyone a chance, they will see that it is not so difficult and they might even be surprised at what a nice person this person can be.

If go through life judging we are the ones who are going to suffer. There is nothing worse than thinking you are better than somebody else.

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We are supposed to look at others and help them when they need it.

Living just for ourselves will make us the ones that are judged and that is a horrible feeling.

Living like that will make people not like you, and then you do not know how to fix it as you were judging others without reason.

So if there is a child in your school that seem a little alone and sad, try to find out why and see if you can help in anyway.

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Helping others is such a wonderful feeling and it might just make your child happy. There is nothing nicer to see happy children playing with each other and enjoying themselves.

We were not all born the same so some are more beautiful and others are not.  This is not important as all we have to be is beautiful from the inside.

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When you are beautiful from the inside you will become such a nice person that everyone will see you as beautiful.  Will that not be wonderful?

People who are happy can really make your life the same.

courtesy of you tube

This really is so enlightening and you will feel so bad if it was you who did not understand what was happening here.

So please watch this video and enjoy and learn why I am saying never to judge someone without knowing them.

I hope this was a lesson that will make a lot of good people and life will be wonderful for all.

Have a wonderful day from me here at the Wild Coast.


Children should always learn right. Because the child learns the same as you learn.

Children should always
Learn right. Because the child learns
The same as you learn.

                 - ahlawat

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Sometimes just giving a smile or a hug to someone, you will be relieving a great sorrow in your soul, how many are not angry and bad tempers, and judge them without knowing the cause of that anger.
We have to educate the children, so that they help others and not act as judges.

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