Sitting here on my rock, I realise that there are really quite a few ways to work some of the maths out in such ways that you do not always need a calculator. I never really liked calculators as I wanted them to try and think with their brains, and taught them so short ways to some of the more difficult maths.

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If you know the rules and your multiplications as I said before it can only be fun.

Today I am putting a video in on square roots; remember yesterday we did cubic roots.

This video will show you that you do not always need a calculator to do maths.

courtesy of you tube

We do need calculators sometimes but if we can do it without it is so much more fun.

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We know that the most important thing to remember is that maths is fun and not difficult if we know the rules.

If there are still children who are worried I suggest that you show your children these last three blogs as it can only make their life so much easier.

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I am really enjoying this as some of them I have forgotten and when I look at them they just come back to me. It must be my rock.

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I did not think I would ever need or use them again, but it just shows you no matter how old you become it still do satisfy you if you can do something easily.

Parents if you have children, who do not know these short cuts, please show them as they might just be very thankful to you.

It is not just the teacher who can help a child, parents can do the same and they might find the same pleasure if they see their children’s faces and the fun it brings to them.

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I really hope some of these will make it clearer to children who are struggling and they might just thank you forever.

I really hope you enjoyed this and have a wonderful day from me here at the Wild Coast.


What are you doing to improve your network?

This is a very good way. In which we can get the out of the bin calculator.

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