Sick child at school to get 100% certificate.

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There is nothing worse than having a sick child at school. This may sound weird to you, but to some parents that little paper at the end of the year that says 100% at school this year is worth more than the child feeling sick.

I do believe we all had sick rooms at school, and if a child is at school until a certain time then he is not marked absent.

You do find parents who bring this sick child to school and come and pick them up later just to get that little paper at the end of the year.

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Who has to look after that child until he is picked up?

You cannot let a sick child sit in a class.  Firstly you might just make more children sick, we do not know as we are not doctors. Then this child will just lie on his or her arms, all the time and not take anything in that is done in the class.

This makes it very difficult for the teacher as she is feeling sorry for the child and she has a whole class that she has to look after.

I can assure you there are quite a few parents like that as prestige is very important to them.

They just love when their child walk onto the stage at the end of the year to receive this certificate.  They are then there to take pictures and tell everyone how good this child is.

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Yesterday I wrote about a wonderful father who brought up a son all by himself and made a wonderful success of it.  

Why is it that you find parents who do things for show instead of what is really important the children that they are supposed to love and enjoy that was given to them to raise.

There are so many people who would do anything to have a child, but it was something that was not meant for them.  Can it be that we need good people to look after bad people’s children that they don’t care about?

We had neighbours who absolutely loved our children, and every time they fell pregnant something went wrong.

They always lost their baby, and it was heart breaking to all of us.

Then you have these children at school who are hungry, dirty and being abused because of parents using drugs and alcohol.

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This was something I never could understand. Believe me they did not have only one child either, they had lots.

After the third miscarriage my wife said to our neighbour. "I do not know what Gods plan is," and I do know, that he "knows what he is doing" and why but to me it seems that people like you were put here to help children like that.

They were not at all interested in adopting, but we all reach a point where things change.  They applied for a baby and it was not very long until they got this beautiful little baby girl.

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The parents were students and they both decided that they could not have a baby at the time. Their parents agreed and the baby was adopted by our neighbour.

You cannot believe this child meant to them.  It made them into even better people than they already were and they realised that even if the baby is not conceived by you, you love this child just as much. Maybe even more as this is something they had been trying to achieve for a very long time.

She was such a bright child and just a little bit younger than ours. She use to play at our house all the time and they were all so happy.

After a few years they got a little boy that was also a new-born baby and then their whole life was complete.

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These two children always told our children that they were chosen between many and not just had to take the mom and dad they got. 

Fortunately this did not bother our children as they were happy with the parents that they got.

So the point I am trying to make is never change a child to suit your needs, like letting them come to school sick. Be the best parent you can be, but remember you are the parent and the child must listen to you. But you must always be reasonable and give the child time to make his or her point and if you feel they are wrong, sit them down and explain to them why you say this. As I always say we lead by example so your child will do what you do. Hopefully it is good for him or her. 

Lately I talk about the obedient parents. They do whatever these little ones want and that is wrong. Tantrums and shouting should never ever be aloud.

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But good parents do not have that problem as their children know what is wrong and will not even try to change their parent’s opinion.

So please be good to your children and keep them at home when they are sick.  It will just make life easier for all. And bring a doctor certificate with to say the child is ready to come back to school.

There is just one rule when the child has an illness like measles of any children sickness, I told them that they could not even come into the front gate, as we might have a lot of sick children.   You must just accept that nature happen, and your child will not be receiving a certificate.

So please look after our children and love them do not abuse them.

Hope you enjoyed my story.

Have a wonderful day here from the Wild Coast.


Very true @methusalem . Some parents are very greedy and they do not care about how the child feels or some parents believe since they pay high tuition fees, then it covers for every single aspect of the child. They expect the teachers and school management to take responsibility for the child thereby endangering the lifes of other children. I remember the case of a parent who let his child who had cough to come to school because he had paid alot and wouldn't want his child miss school during exams.

By the way @methusalem, did you finally get your answer about the smart kids that were given birth to at a particular year?

No, I still do not know will start digging online again.

That is so true! I have got four kids and even one staying home - is a big change of plans, but I'd never let a sick kid go to school. Even if the sickness is not that big - if I'm asked to stay home, I know I am needed and I'd definitely let them stay!

That is the way it should be thank you.

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Thank you so much, did not know about this.

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Well said
During my days sick or not I must go to school apart from the part of the certification at d end

My parents don't like me staying at home because they have to go to work

I don't know if that is fair 🤔🤔🤔

I think they do not want to leave you alone, or they have no choice, I do not know it that is fair.

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