Sitting on my rock the things that go through my mind is wonderful.

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Here so close to God and Nature, I sit and realise that we as people are so small. Here I sit thinking back of all the things that happened all the years at school.

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While you are in charge of a school, you always try your best, as one day you have to go and say what you did wrong and why.

To me it was very important to always try to be fair and reasonable as this always stayed in my mind.

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Now where I am sitting here I come to the conclusion that I am just a spot on this earth, and what is left for me to do is not much.  I still live my life as if every person I meet is my neighbour  whom I love, as this is what I was taught by my parents.

They are now gone, but they really did a good job of teaching me how to treat people.

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This can also be the reason why there are so many children who still remember me and when they see me they are truly glad.

I am so thankful to them, and that is what I tried to teach the children at school as well.

Why not be friends and wish everyone the best you can it can only make your life better, as when others are happy so are you.  To me that is the way life work.

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I feel so sorry for children who do not have parents who teach them this, as they will never be happy.  They might think they are happy, but until you get that wonderful feeling of sharing your friendship and love with someone you can never really be happy.

I met a lady the other day in the chemist and she was so glad to see me, I did not remember her, but realised immediately that I must have crossed paths with her somewhere at a school.

I never tell them that I do not remember them, as this might make them feel bad, and why would I want to do that seeing life is so short.

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Sitting on this rock has taught me just how small we are when it comes to the world that was created for us.  Sometime I even think that God Laughs at us for all the plans we are making and yet we are dreaming because he decided long ago what he had planned for us.

The silence and the waves of the sea does bring you nearer to the reality of how useless your plans are as you are like a Nano spot on this earth. 

There are definitely people who think they are whole atoms, but we must feel sorry for them as they might find out to late that they are absolutely nothing.  They were put on this earth by God and are they following his rules and thoughts, that I do not know as it is not for me or any person to decide, but hopefully they will find out in time.

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I am writing about a lot of things that is important to me as happiness is the most important.  

I am so glad that I could get the chance to sit here on this rock and think about my life as this has been a good life to me. 

This I am thankful for and for the people who made it possible.

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My teachers were always willing and able and on my side. They also knew that the same would come from my side if needed to.

I am also thankful that I have the chance to spend time with my grandchildren and my wife.  They all gave up a lot for my work, and now we have this wonderful place where we stay.

All I want to say is life has been good to me, may life be good to all of you as well.  Just remember that is your job to make certain that you follow the rules of life and nature.

No matter where you work, even here on steemit, which I find to make my life a little easier I am happy,  as this is something new for me to do and make me think a bit.

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Have a wonderful day from the Wild Coast and may you all be happy.


really your steem education to learning for me.i am waiting for every post everyday.because its giving to learn of me everything of steemit matter.thank u very much sir,for your good post..@methusalem

Thank you follow you all the way.

again thanks sir for all good post..@methusalem..

Thank you so much. It is so true.

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