I received this from a friend on my phone and it is so true that he says the following was posted at the University of Uganda for all to read.

“Destroying any nation does not require the use of atomic bombs or the use of long-range missiles. It only requires lowering the quality of education and allowing cheating in the examinations by students”.

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If you think of this it true as patients die at the hands of such doctors, buildings collapse at the hands of such engineers.

Accountants and economists lose your money because they do not know what they are doing.

Justice is lost at the hands of such judges.

“The collapse of education is the collapse of the nation”

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I truly think that they are so right. If education collapses everything does.

So as this says you do not need an atomic bomb or a long-range missile only the collapse of education in a country to ruin it forever.

So start thinking about we are running our schooling systems and what is allowable.

Honesty and hard work is very important, and then of course teachers who really care.

That is the reason that I always tried to get the best possible teachers that leave the university.

They worked hard and they really need to be in a good school so that they can carry on with their good work.

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It is not always possible to know what is happening in a class, I use to walk around a lot and listen for teachers who are not in their class. I must say this rarely happened as I had the most wonderful teacher’s working with me, Notice I say working with me as we all have to work together to make a success of a school.

I truly hope you will let me know what you think as this is really so important, we must keep our education high and the standards must go up not down.

Thank you for reading my post and have a wonderful day from me here at the Wild Coast.

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