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Sitting on my rock I see this dolphin walk on water and was wondering how they do it.

Why do animals walk on water that is the question?

I sat thinking when I clean the swimming pool I always see these insects and mosquitoes walk on water and decided to go on the internet to find out how do they do it as it is not always natural for them.

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I started digging on the internet to find out how they do it and came across this fact that there are two ways that they do it.

There are two ways that they do it. There are gliders and slappers.

The gliders can go fast over water as they are very light and they can glide over the water without going down.

The water molecules cannot be penetrated and they just glide over the water because they are light enough.

They reckon that it is like bouncing on a trampoline for the gliders. When these small gliders move across the water the back feet bend into the form for of the water and then they just glide along. I found this very interesting but I really wondered about the bigger animals.

They slap the water; surfaced tension cannot carry their weight.

Dolphins must strike their bodies with the tail walking enough speed to keep them outside the water they must move very fast or they will go down.

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I found this very interesting that they were walking with their tales.

Then there are lizards that walk on water they can only do it for a little distance but it is just enough to prevent predators from the land to catch them.

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There are others that forage for food in the water.

Then there are water striders that stay on the water without ever getting off.

I found this very interesting and it did clear up some of my problems especially the ones with the dolphins.

Then there are Grebes who use the same method to look for the right mate, I am putting a picture in here just to give you an idea.

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I hope this was interesting and you also thought about it.

Thank you for reading and have a lovely day from the Wild Coast.


I find this a most interesting concept as well. Dolphins walk on water with their tails a lot.

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