Movement of the moon in Islamic calendar guidelines

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Dear steemians

#selamat malam
#marhaban ya Ramadhan
#salam steemitedication


Pada penulisan yang telah lewat pernah saya tulis sedikit yang telah saya ketahui mengenai sistem calender, pada kesempatan ini saya ingin membagikan mengenai calender islam.

In the past writing I have written a little that I already know about the calendar system, on this occasion I want to share about the calendar of Islam.

Apa itu kalender islam...?

Kalender islam adalah kalender yang di susun berdasarkan penggerakan bulan. Kalender islam sering di sebut kalender Qamariah lunar calender

The Islamic calendar is a calendar organized on the basis of the movement of the moon. Islamic calendar is often called calendar Qamariah * lunar calender *


Gerakan bulan dalam pedoman kalender islam sekurangnya terbagi tiga :

  1. Rotasi bulan terhadap sumbuya. Satu kali putaran memakan waktu 27, 321582 hari= 27 hari 7 jam 43,1 menit.
  2. Gerakan bulan mengitari bumi. Satu kali putaran mengeliling bumi dengan karangka acuan (pengamat ) bintang yang jatuh yang di sebut satu bulan sideris (sideriel month) memakan waktu 27, 321582 hari = 27 hari7 jam 43,1 menit. Satu bulan sideris ini tepat sama dengan satu kali rotasi bulan terhadap sumbunya, sehingga kita selalu melihat wajah bulan yang asma, (namun demikian tehadap fenomena libratiaon, yaitu fenomena penampakan sebagai permukaan bulan yang lain ). Ketika bulan menggerak mengitari bumi, bumi juga bergerak mengelilingi mata hari. Akibatnya di butuhkan tambahan waktu, agar bulan tepat satu kali putaran mengelilingi bumi dengan karangka acuan (pengamat) matahari, satu kali putaran mengelilngi matahari yang di sebut satu bulan sinodik memakan waktu 29, 530589 hari =29 hari 12 jam 44 menit tiga detik.
  3. Gerakan bulan mengelilingi matahari. Bumi mengelilingi matahari berbentuk elips, demikian juga lintasan bulan mengeliling bumi berbentuk elips. Jarak bumi- matahari jauh lebih besasr daripada jarak bulan mengelilingi bumi. Dengan menggabungkan ke dua-duanya, bulan mengitari matahari dala lintasan yang berbentuk elips bermodulasi/berpresisi. Lihar gambar berikut ini:

The moon movements in Islamic calendar guidelines are at least three:
1.Moon rotation of axis. One time round takes 27, 321582 days = 27 days 7 hours 43.1 minutes.
2.The movement of the moon around the earth. One round of the earth with a reference to the falling star (sideriel month) which is called a cideris month (sideriel month) takes 27,321582 days = 27 days7 hours 43.1 minutes. One cideris month is exactly the same as the one-month rotation of the axis, so we always see the same moon's face, (however, to the phenomenon of libratiaon, the phenomenon of appearance as the surface of another moon). As the moon moves around the earth, the earth also moves around the eyes of the day. As a result, it takes an additional time, so that the moon exactly one time round around the earth with a reference frame (observer) of the sun, one time round the sun which is called a synodic month takes 29, 530589 days = 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes three seconds.
3.Move the moon around the sun. The earth surrounds the ellipse-shaped sun, so is the moon's trajectory around the elliptical earth. The distance of the earth-the sun is much greater than the distance of the moon around the earth. By combining both, the moon around the sun in a elliptical-modulated passage. See the following picture:


Karena gara grapitasi antara bulan dan matahari, dengan kata lain , sebenarnya bulan bergerak mengelilingi matahari karena gaya grapitasi antara bulan-matahari, sidangkan lintasan bulan ber modulasi di sebabkan oleh gravitasi bumi-matahari

Because of the grapitations between the moon and the sun, in other words, the moon actually moves around the sun because of the grapitic force between the sun-moon, the modulated moon trajectory caused by the earth-sun's gravity


#thank you for reading it may be useful

Thank you @ismuel


This post has received a 3.41 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @maulidin-alasyi.

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