Slopes of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

Parallel and Perpendicular Lines

In this post we will discuss slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines. Below is the lesson plan;

In our next presentation we will learn how to solve word problems involving line geometry. Take from today's lesson is to remember that parallel lines have same slopes and perpendicular lines have slopes which are negative reciprocals to each other.


Your new purple avatar is great! It must be making you smarter than ever!

Ha hahaa. Thanks a lot dear brother. Your appreciation and support makes me smarter than ever. Gives me lot of motivation.

I can't actually solve the exercise but this is a good example of calculating for sloping angles of places.

Ha hahaa. For a parallel line slope is same as the given line = -4.
For a perpendicular line we need to change it's sign first from -4 to 4 then flip it to 1/4 as the answer. (Flipping means finding reciprocal for example 2 flips to 1/2 or 1/2 flips back to 2)

You are a wizard for these problems, I think NASA needs you LOL.

Nice post about difference between parallel and perpendicular lines with images. Also you have clearly defined their slopes as well with illustrations. Always waiting for your informative post @mathworksheets.

Thank you @gautam for your valuable feedback for the post. This gives me a lot of courage and motivation to keep creating the math content.

Nice worksheet @mathworksheets. Remember learning this back in 4th grade.
Prepping for the GRE and it is useful here as well :)

Dear @numpypython, I really appreciate your feedback and support for my work.

thank you @mathworksheets..
you are doing a excellent work..
such a good lesson

Thanks a lot @dinsha. I really appreciate your support and kind remarks :))

I thought I would stop by to get my math fix and say hello!

Excellent review and I like the colors too!

Thanks a lot for your support Sam.

Awesome education. This subject always make me confuse. Hello sir. I like the girl thats in your resteem post. Beautiful, I like it so much.

Thanks for your feedback @joe28.

You are welcome dear friend

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