Writing Value and Place Value of a Digit in a Given Number

In base 10 number system when there are multiple digits in a number each digit has its value based on its place in the number.

For example; consider the number 763. What is the value of digit 6 in this number? Is it 6 or 60?

Well, if we review our place value lessons and worksheets, we can write 763 in expanded form as 700 + 60 + 3 or we can say it 7 hundreds 6 tens and 3 ones.

Clearly 6 is at tens place in 763 and hence its value is 60 not 6.

In this post I am sharing 5 worksheets to practice this concept.

PDF Link To Above Worksheet

PDF Link To Above Worksheet

PDF Link To Above Worksheet

Below are the links to two more worksheets on the concept;

Value and Place Value of a Digit Worksheet - 4

Value and Place Value of a Digit Worksheet - 5

Below is the link to 2nd grade math page, where you can print all the content for 2nd grade math


Below are the links to my previous posts on 3rd grade math;





Excellent that you shared it with us all very useful i am sharing it my sister and the kids are learning and practising :D

Thanks for sharing my work with kids. It's very satisfying for me when some kids far far away use my math worksheets and lessons!

steemit makes it all possible :)
have a great day

Thanks for sharing, I’m always looking for worksheets i can use st home for the kids!

You are at right blog then mumofmany, slowly I am posting much of math content from 2nd grade to grade 12 here at this blog.

Fantastic, that will give me resources for all my children! Thanks

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Thanks for the appreciation dear @cityslicker :))

Thanks a lot for sharing your valuable post....
Carry on next
Best of luck..
I will still wait for your next post....

You are welcome Mokul. Thanks for stopping by and for your kind words :))

You are welcome dear ..~@mathworksheets
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Very Very vnice work, thanks for the great post. Resteemed

Thanks for your support dear friend @ziarul31. I have added you on my son's @nba05 auto-vote account too. I know you need a little boost here!

Thanks, friend!

well it will be good for children's i will share them and see their initial response

Please share these worksheets with kids, Thanks for your support!

great sir thanks for keep sharing these worksheets :)

I have to re esteem this so that others can learn

Thanks for your support dear!!

Thanks for adding value to the community. :) Keep sharing educational posts.

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