My biggest fear in school life

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

In my school life, there are many things that I scared. Getting punished for not doing homework, going late to the school, getting low marks on my exams and many more. But there is one thing that I hate the most and fear the most.

Getting scolded by teachers in front of the other students.


My experience

When I was in grade 7, I ranked 1st in the class. In our school, principal gives out the reports to the top-ranked students in each class before parents meeting. My class teacher told me to bring my report in next day but of course, I forgot. I'm a little absent minded and I told our monitor that I gave my report card to her in the last term. Actually she returned it to me in that term but I didn't remember.

Next day, my class teacher summoned me after interval to the class which she was teaching. I went there with the monitor. I slowly approached to her.

Then it turned out to be the one of the painful moments in my life. She threw me a scary look and started to scold. Let me translate it for you."Look at you! Why are you so careless?It's shame that you're in the top of the class. A student with a careless mind is worthless no matter how bright he is! I knew that from start that you can't take any responsibility! Now go to your classroom and don't forget to bring it tomorrow"

Ever head in that classroom turned our direction. I saw some of them pointing at me and whispering something. I just want to disappear from the sight. 

I walked to my classroom as my eyes filled with tears. My knees felt weak. I begged the monitor to not to tell my classmates about this.In that night, I released my pain by crying hard.

I never liked that teacher.


How this can lead to a tragedy

Can you feel how horrible it is? Of course, teachers have to be a little strict to handle the children. A little punishment can be reasonable, for their own good. But scolding a student in front of his fellow peers. That's so wrong.

Think if you're a child. I still remember how I felt that day. I felt that I'm a big loser. I felt like everyone in that class is mocking and laughing at me. I was even ashamed that I did best in the exam.

My case is simple but this also can lead to a disaster. Sometimes, I see teachers yell at the students who are behind their studies. Imagine how hard it would hit them!


Every child has a little pride of himself. It's their treasure. If you breaks it down, it's horrible as someone hit his head with bat.  

And this is can be worse when it comes to teenagers. They are so stubborn and they act on their own, distracted by emotions. Sometimes they make foolish decisions over a one word. Being a one myself, I know that for sure.  I know a girl who tried end her life because a teacher scolded her in front of the class about bringing a phone to school. Teenagers are so foolish, I'll tell you that.

How to do it right

To get the young ones on the right path, love and kind words will be better than growls and rough words.

Teachers have to talk the each child alone. They have to talk with them gently and they have to deal with the matters softly. If the child need some advice and cautions, it should be done individually between teacher and the students.


I blabbered so much. Hope it's worth your time.

If you like my teen thoughts, don't forget to give it value.

And I'd love to hear your opinion about it.

Thanks for dropping by:) Love you all<3


As a follower of @followforupvotes this post has been randomly selected and upvoted! Enjoy your upvote and have a great day!

I think you are right. It is bad to scold a person in front of others. I'm sorry this happened to you. But you got through it and moved forward, so if it ever happens again, you know you can get through it. Stay strong and keep doing well in school and here on steemit! :)

I glad that you agreed with me. Thanks for your encouraging words!<3

Absolutely right!
Humiliating anyone specifically a kid would never do any good but might result in long lasting emotional damage!
Our dealing with kids must be reward driven not punishment driven. And our goal must be to help them grow happily rather than just completion of assignments!
Class work/homework is not the end of world!

I'm happy that you agreed with me. Elders have to look into this matter in a child's view.
Humiliating a child is a crime. Thanks for your opinion.

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