Hard to remember things? Here are few tricks!

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

How many times that you forget what you want to buy in the supermarket? To me, it happens all the time. Usually when dad comes to fetch me after my practices after the school, mom calls me and tells me a list of things to buy. Then we enter the supermarket and when dad asks me what we have to buy, I'm like "onion and mmm..oil or soap?, I couldn't remember. 

I was scolded plenty of times because of absent mind. Sometimes it bothers me too. When teacher say something to bring the school yesterday, I was one of the students who stood outside of the classroom. And I often forget to give the things that I promised to give the others, for an example, books. 

This is pretty frustrating. I'm sure that some of you share the same feeling. We don't have enough time to list out the things. So how should we remember those little things that we forget easily.


And you'd be happy to hear, I found some solutions for that! Now I can remember the things that I want to buy. It's pretty simple and you'll able to remember things easily.

Now I'll tell a secret. These methods can also be used for studies! You'll be able to remember facts very easily. I used them to study science and it worked well for me.

So here are the tricks!



Method one: Storing things in mental images

This is very useful for my shopping problem. Here is how I do it. 

              My mom told me to bring sugar, oil and coconut. So I memorized it like this."My bag is full with sugar and it's so heavy, there is a coconut on my head and it will fall anytime, I have to be careful with my bottle cuz it's filled with oil". Now you just have to remember the mental image of your stored body. See? It's pretty easy. 

In studies: Think you're studying about starfishes. They have no heart, brain and eyes You can create an image in your mind like this: a starfish with cross marks on face, head and chest. Cross marks means "no". So you can remember the details easily when you memorize your starfish.

Method two: Pasting posters on the door                                                                                                           

Posters? Not that posters. I'm talking about the mental posters.

Think you have to bring your mathematical box to school next day. Then remember your house main door and put a poster of a mathematical box on the door mentally. And when you arrive home, remember what you put on the door. Then you'll remember to bring a mathematical box to school.

Like that, you can remember things that you want to do daily. Just put a poster on your door and remember it.

And I didn't use it for studies because I can't think of a way. But I know you're creative than me. Can you suggest me a way?

Method 3: Linking objects together

I think this one is a popular method. If you have to remember a list in a order then this is the way.

I'll explain the method using this list: Dog, pen, paper, flower

There is a brown dog. He has two pens. He got a paper and now he's drawing flowers. Got the method?

This looks kinda stupid but it comes in handy most of the times. You specify your creation by adding them colours, numbers and feelings. You can remember annoying lists in science and other subjects using this. Try to add funny things. Be creative!



So that's it. Try using those and you'll be surprised about your memory! Lits will no longer be a headache! Just be creative and have fun! You can do it!

Please give me your opinion about it. I'd also love to hear your own ideas.

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Thanks for your time...Until we meet again<3


I do like your style! And I like your mnemonic tips! Mnemonics are memory aids, but it looks like a word that I need a memory aid to remember how to spell :P How is anyone going to remember how to spell a word where the first letter is silent! :O Anyway, yeah, very good article on remembering things!


Hmm how will I remember how to spell mnemonic? Well it rhymes with demonic, and that reminds me of Blackbeard from One piece, and...

Idk where I'm going with this. Until we meet again! :D

I never heard about mnemonic before, going to check it out.
It's a very very difficult word for me.
That indeed describes him, demonic.
Thanks for reading. See you around^^

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