Get to know about your body #1: Let's talk about muscles!

 In our daily life, we do many things with our body, making it work like an unstopping machine. But how much you appreciate the work of your own hardworking machine? No, forget that. How much you know about your body parts and their purposes? It feels like we don't care about them and their services.

So I'm going to take you for a ride in your body and teach you some interesting facts about your body. Then you'll understand how precious are your quiet, hard-working, body mates. I think they need some appreciation from their master. 

So today I'm going to introduce the buddies that move along with you when you're walking, running, reading and in every one of your movements! They are the ones who decorate and gives a beautiful form to your body.

Let's talk about your Muscles! First, let's see the description about muscles in Wikipedia.

Muscle is a soft tissue found in most animals. Muscle cells contain protein filaments of actin and myosin that slide past one another, producing a contraction that changes both the length and the shape of the cell. Muscles function to produce force and motion. 


We don't need to do serious research to understand the service of your muscles. Just think about how much help they're giving you to read my article. You're currently sitting on them and moving your eye muscles to read my article and using your arm muscles to scroll down. You couldn't do any of them without their help. Now you'll understand how awesome your muscles are!

 So give me some minutes to reveal some cool facts about your muscles to increase more of your respect to them!

Different works need different types of muscles, so there are lots of muscles in your body than you think! 

Actually, there are more than 600 muscles in our body. They make 30-40 percent of your body weight. There are three types of muscles: smooth, cardiac and skeletal.

  • Smooth muscles work without your mental orders. They can be found in blood vessels, digestive systems, bladder.
  • Cardiac muscles are the muscles in the heart. They also work without us thinking them to move.
  • Skeletal muscles are the ones who help you in your body movements. They are attached to bones.

Keep your frown upside down because it's way easier

Did you know that it's hard to frown than to smile? You need 43 muscles to frown but only 17 muscles to smile. So frowning makes you tired then smiling. Isn't it a wonderful excuse to make your frown to a smile?



Need to give more credits to your heart: If he takes a break, you're finished!

The heart is the most hardworking muscles in your body. It works without a rest till your last breath. It beats 60-100 in a minute and pumps about 2500 gallons of blood in a day. Yet it never takes short leaves or becomes tires. You need to give your ultimate respect for this small guy.

Small guys are the busiest: Your eyes much busier than you

Your eye muscles move consistently when you're working with your eyes like reading, watching TV and mostly, seeing the world. They have to move a lot to adjust to your movements. Your eyes make approximately 10,000  movements in an hour of reading period. Another credit for our precious eyes!

Walking may be a few steps for you, but it means 200 of them working repeatedly!

Think how many steps you take in a day. Can't count? Now think that 200 muscles are working for each one step. What do you think? Your body is far more amazing than you think!


They can pull but they can't push!

When you're thinking you're pushing something, your muscles aren't pushing. They are just pulling. I'll give you an example. When you try to push a table, your muscles are pulling your elbow and shoulder.

It's easier to gain than to lose

This may be a good news for many of you. It takes twice as long to lose muscles than to gain it. Your muscles are quick learners and it's easy to get your body in shape. So what you should do now is quit napping on the couch and exercise with the motivation!


The smallest one is in your ear and the largest one is on your hip

The smallest muscles can be found in your inner ear. They are small but also important. They connect your eardrum and hold your ear together. The largest muscle in your body is gluteus maximus, which are located on the back of your hip. Its main job is to maintain proper posture and support your trunk. They also help us to climb stairs, running and walking.

They grow when you're quiet

Muscles grow when you're sleeping. We do workouts and weight lifting to gain muscle strength but they need you to be relaxed to start growing. When you're in deep sleep, your muscles are relaxing, allowing more blood circulation. Also, hormones that repair and restore muscles are released at night. Their job is important to the growth of the muscles.

 Some other interesting things...

  • Muscles usually work in pairs.
  • The strongest muscle based on its size is your jaw muscle.
  • A lot of heat produced in your body due to the muscle contraction
  • The tongue is one of the strongest muscles in your body because of its hardworking (It's reasonable, we never give a rest to it)
  • We are born with all the muscle fibers we will have 



So I think now you have an idea of how useful and amazing your muscular system is. Then why don't we take a moment to appreciate it? Admit it, your body is more awesome than you are :D

We had quite a tour. Next time, I'm going to take you to the best friends of muscles. It's going to be BONES!

Thanks for reading...Until we meet again  



Again... Sleeping helps to grow muscles. Good point :D Nice writing @mashiliyanage

Yes, of course. Sleeping is important. Thanks for dropping by :)

I first read articles about muscles with Steemit. Interesting!

Oh, I'm glad^^ Thanks for dropping by!


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