Pat's Fisherman's Wharf in Henderson, Louisiana and A Little About Cajun Life

in #steemiteducation7 years ago

With a population of 1,674 people, the town of Henderson in Louisiana has a quaintness to it as you drive through it's streets. There isn't a lot to Henderson and it's usually a small town with nice touristy gas stations people stop at on the way to other, bigger cities. One of the most well known places to visit in Henderson is Pat's Fisherman's Wharf which contains a restaurant, club, and hotel. Great food, good music, and a place to crash afterwards offers tourists a unique experience in Cajun culture.

I spent many summers in Henderson, LA visiting my mother's family members who live in the area. Cajun culture has always been part of my world. Even though most people visiting Henderson see nothing but a few gas stations and a Dollar General, I see an important world that my mother grew up in. I've been to Pat's many times in my life and it's always a unique and exciting experience.

Views of Pat's From the Parking Lot



Pat's restaurant was founded in 1948 by a local man named Pat who was well known for selling tasty hamburgers and crawfish. He bought the property that would become Pat's Fisherman's Wharf as a place to start selling his food. He built a restaurant and expanded his menu to contain Cajun dishes of a wide variety. In the early days the place didn't have electricity or bathrooms inside. Over time the business evolved and grew. The family was able to purchase the properties next door to expand and include a Cajun dance club and hotel. In January 2018, Pat passed away leaving the business to his children. Many of my family members mourned his passing and remembered him as being a good person who was always willing to lend a helping hand. source

Outdoor Patio Overlooking the Water


View of Bridge You Have To Cross to Reach Pats


The recipes used in the restaurant have been passed down from family member to family member. Food is a large part of Cajun culture and recipes are passed on through the generations. Gumbo, catfish, frog legs, crawfish, and more are all popular foods in Cajun culture and I've been to plenty of meals where at least one of these was present. The interesting thing about Cajuns is they love to eat. I remember every summer we visited family there when I was young we had a meal every three hours. We'd stop by different relatives houses and each relative would cook. Food is an important part of family bonding in Cajun culture and family dinners help reinforce social bonds and family structure.

Another View From Pat's Porch of The Bridge Leading To The Restaurant.


Part of the beauty of Pat's is being located alongside the Atchafalaya Basin. This waterway contains swamps, marshes, rivers, and bayous and is one of the largest swamps in the United States. When visiting Henderson it is very easy to find fresh crawfish harvested daily from the Atchafalaya Basin. Every year an estimated 22 million pounds of these delicious crawfish are harvested from the Atchafalya Basin. When I head to Henderson, family members who work on the local fishing boats are happy to bring home a bucket full of them still alive to cook fresh. Building a restaurant like Pats near a source of fresh seafood has benefited the quality of the dishes they serve at their restaurant source.

The Outdoor Seating Area


At the bottom of the above picture you can see two rows of wire attached to the posts right above the water. For a long time Pat's had a wire fenced in cage in this spot. Inside the cage were Pat's "pet" alligators. Two gators who were injured and probably wouldn't survive long in the wild were adopted by the restaurant. Tourists could spend a few quarters to buy alligator feed to throw down to them. A year before this picture was taken a flood with waters up to the seating area took out the cage and the gators were freed.

The Alligators Still Call Pat's Home And Stay Around The Area

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The year before this the gators were hiding in their cage and I never saw a glimpse of them. I was lucky to get this picture as one of the gators swam by enjoying it's freedom and ability to roam.

The Waters of The Atchafalaya Basin


Cats Love Seafood

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When you visit Pat's you may notice a very large population of cats roaming the area. Big fans of seafood and scraps thrown away by the kitchen, these stray cats appreciate a good thing when they see it. Sit outside and you may have a furry friend come greet you and attempt to keep you company in exchange for leftovers.

If you ever visit Louisiana you might miss the small town of Henderson as you drive on the highways to bigger cities like Lafayette, Baton Rouge, or New Orleans. Like I said, there isn't a lot to see in Henderson but Pats is a unique place to visit with lots of history and Cajun culture. You can have a good meal from family recipes, can catch a glimpse of the beautiful basin and possibly an alligator, and can meet locals who have fascinating stories to share.

Photo credit: all photos are my own from my 2015 trip there.




I haven't been to Louisiana but I have learnt something about Henderson.
Thanks to you @marxrab.

Now having a meal and then the next sight is an alligator would certainly send chills down my spine and I'm 100% sure that I'll loose appetite.

Beautiful scenes @marxrab. Thanks for sharing


lol. The alligators are pretty far down from the deck so they aren't scary. It's a fun experience. Thanks for the nice comment.

photographi yang sangat bagus@marxrab,thank you telah berbagi,saya akan mengunjungi post anda berikut nya.

I must visit Louisiana one day! Beautiful, love the alligators, and the buildings on the swamp are amazing. Pretty kitty!

Thanks! You should visit. It's a nice place to go.

Nice photos! That patio seating on the water looks like a great place to try some local food. I hope the kitty and the gators didn't meet up!

Not a fan of crayfish, though. I had those when I visited and they smell awful! I remember the gumbo and cornbread being spectacular, though. I don't know what they put in the cornbread, but it was magical.

Yeah...when they bring the crawfish home alive then cook it I can't eat it. I hate seeing things alive before they end up dinner. I do enjoy a good gumbo.

It looks like such a peaceful and relaxing place to hang, sample some of the unique and local food, and maybe even have a few brews or a couple of shots of bourbon!!! Nice post, thanks for introducing us to Henderson!!!

Oh yes....plenty of drinking happens at the place and at family gatherings. It's a neat place to go. It's one of those small towns you never hear anything about.

I think a lot of people started their work from scratch and then evolved after their effort and praise in the work until they became great.
This reflects the work and fatigue he has done so that he has become such a place. He is a wonderful and beautiful right place, I liked the pictures
And more than that I liked the place to sit in the open air, I wish I would visit him one day and enjoy your wonderful tourism.
Thank you dear @marxrab

Thanks. It is always fun to read stories of people who starting from scratch and built great things. It's a nice restaurant and club.

All those small towns have their charm! Maybe because they are not overcrowded, maybe because of peace and quiet, who knows. Great travel blog dear!

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