I am not sure how many of you are aware that last month was Autism Awareness Month. During April, individuals around the world helped to not only spread awareness about Autism Spectrum Disorders, but they also gave a voice to the millions of people across the globe who are undiagnosed, misunderstood and looking for help. As a teacher I appreciated the campaigns that I stumbled upon and I have a new understanding of children that I once thought were “difficult”.

When I recently started my new teaching job, one of the visions I had was to help eradicate bullying. I want to be a teacher who not only shares knowledge and teaches academics, but also teaches life skills, like compassion and understanding. So, I was inspired by what I learnt about ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) and I decided that I wanted to teach my students about it, and how we should be a little friendlier to those who might seem strange or different to us.


When I was first given the opportunity to make my new classroom my “home”, one of the first posters I put up was an Autism Awareness poster. It was interesting to observe my primary school children when I first directed their attention to this poster. Some seemed uncomfortable and some of the kids seemed very interested in the subject and were already quite educated on ASDs. 

My main objective of putting this poster up however was not purely to raise awareness of the disorder, or to educate my students on what it is exactly. My main purpose was to highlight that often, people act very differently to us and might come across as “weird”, as my one student put it. Most of the time, we tend to bully or slander these individuals because their difference intimidates us and sometimes, it is easier to laugh and make fun of a situation than to understand it and show empathy. I want to teach my students to be brave enough to see a person for who they really are and to befriend them, even though they might feel uncomfortable and with the different way in which they act. 


So, while we discussed what Autism is and how it can make children on the spectrum act and feel, we also discussed our own feelings on the matter and we came to agreement that we are going to work together to try and see people with disorders and disabilities for who they truly are, and we are going to be on their side, we are NOT going to be the bully. 


I ended off this discussion with a little project, which some of my students are still working on when they complete their lessons and work for the day. As they finish their projects they are sticking them around the ASD poster I put up. I found the project idea online on a website where you can download free resources. The project includes puzzle pieces with descriptive words on them, these words describe all the good things about a person, the things we should focus on and appreciate. The students can put these puzzle pieces together to create little people – a reminder that a person is made up of more than just faults. 

All Images Sourced From HERE

You can download your own resource pack HERE.

Source link:

There’s nothing that grinds my bones more than bullying. It is one of those unnecessary acts that leaves everyone involved with an ugly feeling, even the actual bully. What sets me on edge even more is when those who are already suffering with a disorder or a disability are bullied because of something they cannot change, but instead have to learn to cope with for the rest of their lives. Let’s teach our children to help these individuals to cope, let’s walk with them, let’s learn with them and grow together. 

With thanks from @mamameimei

I support @steemiteducation


Harassment is a weapon that slowly sinks in our body and if it persists it completely damages the soul.
Fighting against it is a daily job

It's tough to working with children with autism because you need a lot of patience to do repeating works. But no worry, you are not alone. You will gain love and joy through working along with these children through their friendship with you. All the best.

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