What is the right time to teach children how to deal with money?

in #steemiteducation5 years ago

The financial education of children deserves attention during their development and, although some families have not yet introduced financial notions in this period, it is important that children learn their value still small. This will make them become responsible and safe adults of personal finances.


However, there are different approaches for each age. Very young children still do not know how to count, but they can already understand the symbology behind money.

Older children, however, have a greater understanding of money, consumption and spending, and can be taught more objectively.

So, today I want to share with you, some tips that will help us develop in children the knowledge to handle money in different phases. Check it!

3 to 5 years.
At this stage of development, although children do not yet have mathematical concepts to deal with money, they know that each note or coin represents a symbolic value that they allow to buy. In this way, it is very significant that there are recreational actions to introduce financial education in childhood.

Encouraging having a piggy bank with coins, or playing games that involve money is an excellent way to turn on that aspect of finances.

Games can be made with simple materials such as cutting out colored papers and matching a value for each color, or separating different leaves from the trees and stipulating that each type of sheet represents a value and then organizing a social role play to wrap or buy.

It is important that through these two actions, such as the game and the piggy bank, the child is encouraged to have notions of conscious consumption and the importance of saving to buy something more important.


From 6 to 10 years.
It is advisable to keep the piggy bank and introduce actions so that the child can manage the money outside the game plan.

At this stage, the child already has a greater mathematical knowledge capable of performing some mathematical operations.

Think about it, create possibilities for them to perform simple activities such as buying popcorn at the movies or something at the bakery, being an adult mediator of these activities.

Another interesting suggestion is to combine with the child a task so that he can receive something of value to put in the piggy bank.

But keep in mind this "remunerated activity" because if it compensates the child for activities that he could already do, an expectation will be created and, in the future, he will only be able to fulfill his obligations for some benefit.

An interesting alternative is to combine activities that go beyond the domestic routine, such as helping to organize the work materials of the parents or encouraging the creation of something that can be sold in the family or in the neighborhood, like a recycled toy, something of food, among others.

It is important to stimulate creativity at this time.

From the age of 11:
It is interesting to increase the responsibility for the use of money, but always in accordance with the budgetary possibilities of the family.

A good alternative is to give your children a certain amount of money so they can eat at school, encourage them to eat healthy foods, and make sure that the amount is close enough for the food.

Encourage them to keep the change in a safe. Another interesting way to stimulate accountability and financial education is to negotiate Christmas gifts.

Children at this age may feel the need to choose their gifts, so that parents can give a quantity and manage what they will spend.

What if he spends too much and needs more money? Specialists in financial education recommend that you do not.

At that time, the child begins to understand the need to organize and save to get what he wants.

Just make a parallel with your salary: you receive it monthly, and when you spend more than you can, you no longer ask the boss.

At any age, give an example.

At any stage of child development, it is important to remember to give an example. Children learn from the examples.

Therefore, do not teach them to be responsible with money if they return home every day with unnecessary purchases, gifts and other items that stimulate consumption. Your attitude is also important when it comes to educating them.

Financial education in childhood can help children become happier adults in the future.


After all, safety and a good relationship with personal finances can also bring emotional health to any human being.

With these suggestions, you can encourage children to relate to money in a healthier way.

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