Ranked 6th Place in MTAP Challenge 2018 —- Ready for the Next Roud


We now reap what we sow. It has been a great day for us today because we made it to the Finals... We ranked 6th Place of the said competition and there are around 26 schools participated it...

A blessing and an opportunity was again given to us. So, another stressful training will be done a week after next. But I didnt take it as a burden but a thing that I can be proud of.

(the COACHES while waiting for the elimination round to finish)

I felt unexplainable feelings that time. It seems that I am the one who will compete but I know that God already plan everything...

(my student’s faces while waiting for the result)

By the grace of God, these faces changed to a big smile after knowing that they are qualified for the final round.

Perseverance and determination is needed for you to win every competition.

A big thank you Lord!


Congrats Mactan 😉

yey! Mga bright jud ni taga mactan

Congrats @kyrie1234 from a fellow educator to another I say you did super great a job. Kudos. Upvoting

Congratulations.. Keep it up! God bless.

thank you josh

char ..same topic dai..wala lang koi pic nga super wow:-)

nganu wala man ka nagpic?

wooowww congrats @kyrie1234.. I've heard that you are to change your username? hihihi

Congratulations @kyrie1234 . Always think that you can! That's the law of attraction :)

thank u sir, and yes I will

You are welcome @kyrie1234 :)

Wow! Makaproud

super lai, hinayhinay na ug saka ang mactan

Credits to its imba nga mga teachers te.

Congratulations ma'am. I know the feeling my son will also go the next round that would be National level in Baguio city this February.

congrats also... Grabe nakakaproud fanyang mga bata

thank you sir surpassing and bayanihan for noticing me again

Congratz Ms. M and your kiddos!

thank you mam lorn

You're welcome ;)

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