Brave Learning When on Vacation

in #steemiteducation5 years ago


As parents, of course, we want our children to be smart and able to compete in learning. That desire is basically a reasonable demand if we apply it in a reasonable process too. When we demand our children to learn and able to compete, the obligation arises for us to provide the means to undergo the process at that time.

Just say it like providing a books, places of study, teachers and a good places of education. Although not entirely, but this is very necessary as a supporting factor, there is medias and other means in this regard. And the main thing is the learning environment. we want our children to learn well, but we never open a book in front of them, of course, this is very a contrary to our wishes.

Besides that, appreciation for our children's achievement in learning is also very decisive. Just Remember, in this world there are equivalent words and do not always speak against the words. When there is a success, there is an appreciation, there is a failure, there is support, when there is an appointment, there is implementation.


That's what I did for my children this week. I made a promise to them for a vacation. After going through a small discussion, we decided to take a vacation in Takengon, Central Aceh. We should go back to Sigli this time, Pidie. But a decision was made and I took them to one of the attractions in Bur Telege in Central Aceh, Indonesia.

Travelling is also a good learning tool to train them, and this time my children learn to be brave in facing heights. You can see in this two pictures how high they are sitting up there, and also notice how small the city and lake appear behind them.

Are they afraid ? Yes, The fear is human nature, but always afraid is a lack and can be a threat to their growth and development. In the process, I made sure them that the seat on the tree was safe, I also gave reinforcement to them to dare to climb by themselves, finally, I suggested they pray because this is a good deed and surely God will protect.

Finally, as you see, They seem be comfortable up there, still able to express but they remain cautious. It's a pride to see them stand up and sit bravely up there, I'm also proud for carrying out my duty as an appreciation for their good learning.

So, when saw they were very happy in this holiday, what other happiness could be a match for all this for me?

For honarable mention who like photography : @r2cornell @altooq @cityofstars @kus-knee @xpilar @sultan-aceh @chorock @wisdomandjustice @tomhall @sonki999 @moghul @cyberrn @slowwalker @oldtimer @oldstone @sonki999 @introvert-dime @khanza.aulia @midun @anroja. Blessing


My Regards


All Pictures taken original by me, using EOS 800D, Location : Bur Telege, Central Aceh, Indonesia

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Parental support is very important and needed by children throughout their life. This post is nice to read.

Thank you soo much for your kind word @introvert-dime. I am very appreciate. Btw, do you have an email so I can send you picture ? I see you very love for flowers and the important thing is about my appreciation for your support for along time. Hope you dont mind. Blessing.

its great to work to try and broaden the knowledge and activities of your children I can imagine how proud you were of them

Yups,, I am very proud for them, what a proud again for us as a parent except them, right sir ? Thank you so much for your appreciation sir. Blessing

Yes you should also be proud of yourself for bringing them up in the right way )

Fine, we reblogged to thousand followers..

Wonderful, Thanks @puncakbukit for your kind.

Kebahagiaan hakiki orang tua

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Terimakasih bang @geotimes atas komentarnya. :)😍

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Thanks for your suport @esteemapp. Blessing

Bahasa Indonesia

Sebagai orang tua tentunya kita menginginkan agar anak untuk menjadi cerdas dan mampu bersaing dalam belajar. Keinginan itu pada dasarnya adalah tuntutan yang wajar andai hal tersebut kita terapkan dalam proses yang wajar juga. Saat kita menuntut anak untuk belajar dan mampu bersaing, di saat itu pula muncul kewajiban kepada orang tua untuk menyediakan sarana untuk menjalani proses tersebut.

Sebut saja seperti menyediakan buku, tempat belajar, guru dan tempat pendidikan yang baik. Meski tidak sepenuhnya, namun hal ini sangat diperlukan sebagai faktor penunjang, ada banyak media dan sarana lain dalam hal ini. Dan yang utama sekali adalah lingkungan belajar. Menginginkan anak belajar dengan baik, akan tetapi kita tidak pernah membuka buku di hadapan mereka tentu bertolak belakang dengan keinginan kita.

Disamping itu, apresiasi atas pencapaian anak dalam belajar juga sangat menentukan. Ingatlah, bahwa bahwa di dunia ini terdapat padanan kata dan tidak selalu berbicara lawan kata. Ketika ada keberhasilan maka disana ada apresiasi, ada kegagalan maka disana ada dukungan, ketika ada janji maka disana ada pelaksanaan.

Hal itulah yang saya lakukan untuk "sepasang malaikat" yang menjadi amanahku minggu ini. Sebagai Ayah, saya memenuhi janji kepada mereka untuk berlibur. Setelah melalui diskusi kecil, kami memutuskan untuk berlibur di Takengon, Aceh Tengah. Semestinya liburan kali ini kami pulang ke Sigli, Pidie. Namun keputusan bersama telah dibuat dan aku membawa mereka ke salah satu tempat objek wisata di Bur Telege, Aceh Tengah, Indonesia.

Berwisata juga menjadi sarana belajar yang baik untuk melatih mereka, dan latihan kali ini adalah belajar untuk berani menghadapi ketinggian. Kamu dapat melihat dalam foto ini betapa tinggi tempat mereka duduk di atas sana, dan perhatikan pula bagaimana kecilnya penampakan kota serta danau di belakang mereka.

Apakah mereka takut ? Ya, ketakutan adalah sifat dasar manusia, namun selalu takut adalah kekurangan dan bisa menjadi ancaman untuk tumbuh kembang mereka. Dalam prosesnya, aku memastikan bahwa tempat duduk di atas pohon itu aman, aku juga memberi penguatan kepada mereka untuk berani memanjat sendiri, terakhir aku menyarankan mereka agar berdoa, karena ini adalah perbuatan baik dan tentunya Tuhan pasti akan melindungi.

Akhirnya, seperti yang terlihat. Mereka sepertinya nyaman di atas sana, tetap bisa berekpresi namun mereka tetap berhati-hati. Suatu kebanggaan melihat mereka berdiri dan duduk dengan berani di atas sana, aku juga bangga karena telah menjalankan kewajibanku sebagai apresiasi atas hasil belajar mereka yang baik.

So, saat melihat mereka sangat senang dengan keadaan ini, maka kebahagiaan apa lagi yang bisa menjadi tandingan atas semua ini ?

It is necessary for our children's achievement in learning about the world. Nice photography.

Yups, agree with you. Do you marriage @kamrunnahar ?

yes you are right as a parents we have big responsibility.
Beautiful photograph. thanks for share with us..

Thank you my friend for your appreciation :)

A great post here my friend and sound advice.
In retrospect, I so wish that I had done more for my children.
Times were tough and I had to work as a contractor for my family to survive.
The problem was that I was hardly ever at home, as I worked in far away places.

A child needs constant care and support and I can only be thankful to God that my 3 children turned out to be good adults.


Yups,, so do I my friend. I am just back to my family only ones in a week, every weekend only. So from monday until friday I take a time by phone optimally.

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