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RE: Struggling to wake up early for a successful life?
Waking up early is something I really need to work on, as I’m such a night owl ha Great Post :)
Waking up early is something I really need to work on, as I’m such a night owl ha Great Post :)
I use to be a night owl also. To a point I still am but I always wake up early. You can imagine how sleepy I get during the day. When that happens I just take a 30 minute to 1 hour nap then I'm good. I hope this helps.
Yes! I do that too (the naps) . I’ve actually gone through some articles that say that not being able to sleep early is actually genetic and if you’re not sleep deprived it’s ok. I wish I was genetically an early bird though ahah
I understand genetics but I don't believe they are stronger than the human will. We have the capabilities, abilities and will power to overcome any shortcoming handed to us by our genetics. They started from somewhere. If they have a start then surely they have an end. You just have to do whatever it takes to get what you want. If you want to be an early bird then who's to say you can't? Genetics? I don't believe that.
Hmm that's a great point of view! We can do anything right :)
Exactly. We are only limited by our own minds.