How to ensure that your child does not lose the knowledge acquired in the upcoming holidays

The time to go on vacation at school is approaching, and our children will last a certain time without going to class. How important it is for us as parents to get our children to maintain the meaningful learning they gained in their school years.

We are approaching a great job, that is why I want to share with all of you some strategies that you can apply for your child to develop more, the knowledge in different areas, without depriving him so much in his recreational part.

Video games is what kids call the most attention, but in my opinion I do not see it as nice because there are few video games that transmit some knowledge in children and this would loosen them in their studies because they tend to cling to the objectives of the game and give little importance to the readings.


Playful strategies that can help your child

  • Bingo: This will help them to have a better pronunciation in the numbers, in the same way to identify the row where they can find the previously pronounced number.

  • Domino: It is very useful to apply this game in children, since they can count, add and subtract and identify the number that corresponds to place in the game.

  • Ludos: The motricity fulfills its function in this game, since you must throw with great balance the dice, and move the chip of correct form in the squares that correspond to place it. It allows the child to clearly visualize the number thrown by the dice at the time of launching.

These games can maintain assets in the area of mathematics, since it will keep them working on vacations with numbers without them getting bored.


Strategies to improve reading during vacations

  • Stories: There are children who like to read many stories before sleep, so what if you tell the child to do the reading and you listen to it, I think that there you can correct your pronunciation in some words that cost the child to pronounce.

  • If you are traveling: It would be good if you stop at some advertising signs and ask the child what the name of that advertisement is.

  • Articles: In free hours put them to read articles of the newspapers, as long as knowing them to choose so that they do not get bored.

Reading allows your child to get stronger in that area, and you will get your pronunciation to improve during the holidays.


If you have planned to take a camp or a vacation plan, ensure that your child is strengthened in values, so that it does not transmit negative aspects to other children, or also prevent them when sharing with other children that throw behavior problems in which they be affected directly.

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