Chavismo Repent

in #steemiteducation6 years ago


It seems excellent to me that many people who supported Chavez and Maduro have reconsidered and now condemn Chavez, I really applaud them. However, there is something I reject outright, and it is the one that now want to come and tell us that we have always opposed the regime, what we have or do not have to do with each political situation that arises.
Nor does it seem right to me now to tell President Juan Guiado what he is doing right and wrong. And much less I share that they want to come to give chair of political intelligence.

Source/Fuente Source/Fuente

With what moral? Gentlemen, I remind you that recently, you told us: majunches, squalid, puppies of the empire, brutes, sold homelands, pitiyankees, etc..
I also remind them that they were trying to humiliate us, telling us every time they could that we did not know anything about the country that we were blind and we were victims of Western media deception.
I remind you that they believed with great fervor to be right and that we were wrong. I remind you that with great pride they said: "they will not return", "Viva Chávez", "Yankees go home" and with great pride they shouted: " Chávez, friend, the town is with you", "Chávez, I swear, my vote is for Maduro".

I remind them that they did not believe when we said that hunger would come, and they said that we were exaggerated and naive to say that socialism only brought misery. I remind you that they called us stupid to say that Venezuela would be destroyed if it remained in the hands of those for whom you proudly defended, applauded and voted. And so I could keep reminding you of many moments, but I think the point was understood.


And before the beatas are unleashed and they fall on me, I tell them that the meaning of my words is not to generate division or resentment, it is an invitation to their reflection. That when they want to criticize with so much zeal to the people that with their ideas, information, action and opinion we want to take our country out of the pit in which they put it, think that the same arrogance with which they criticize and fight today they had in the recent past and the time and the same reality were responsible for slapping them.

Having erred and then rectified is completely valid, but you should understand that credibility is an important factor when it comes to opinions and refuting ideas, and you, colleagues, do not enjoy it today. Caution, humility and much reflection before commenting.

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