Gaining Mental Strength

in #steemiteducation7 years ago (edited)

We live in a world full of stimuli, in which we can chain one after the other without resting. We can finish watching a chapter of our favorite TV show and continue watching the next one without pause. We live in times of endless opportunities with communication channels open 24 hours.

Despite the known benefits of mental rest, it is very difficult for us to renounce these pleasurable stimuli. Day after day we saturate our mental system, without realizing that rest is only in the hands of a will that we sometimes do not exercise. This happens because we are not aware that the world is not going to give us a break if we do not ask for it ourselves.

Enjoy a good book or a conversation without the interruptions of modern technology.

Have we become so addicted as to need spaces that free us from the constant notifications and bombardments of information?

There are several solutions to put the mind blank without being imposed from outside. Among them is meditation, which involves performing breathing exercises, without noise or distractions around, to enter into introspection, handling positive and relaxing messages, and finally get to think of nothing that can generate stress in our daily routine.

Another option is to devote to oneself. It can be by taking a relaxing bath, taking a nap, or listening to relaxing music. Close your eyes and imagine it already relaxes you, is not it? Why is it harder for us to spend some time doing this than surfing the Internet? Think about it for a moment.

Another option to disconnect is to perform certain physical activities to force the mind not to think. It can be a perfectly structured workout or a solitary walk in which we propose not to follow any kind of routine. Just walk, be action.

In addition, there are other techniques such as that of looking at an object (for example, a lit candle) and concentrating solely on it without stopping to think about anything else. Gradually, the mind will begin to escape allowing there to be a few minutes of internal silence to eliminate the external one.

Finally, do not forget that even though today's society strives to give you stimuli, in your hand there is always the power to renounce them and the possibility of the pleasure that sometimes means. Losing you to meet again or go out to take a breath and re-enter, are pleasures that we deny, that sometimes we do not even imagine by the fear of losing things that actually happen slower than our own environment makes us think. Let a moment go to be able to gain more at that moment.

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I have been seeing a lot of people starting to do meditation and yoga, it’s becoming more popular at least around my circles.

Maybe we do become saturated by being 24/7 surrounded by screens full of new information and entertainment.

It’s healthy to disconnect and to have some quietness from time to time.

100 % agree mate!

You speak wise words. I just finished an article for a client about this very thing. There's a great book called Bored & Brilliant by Manoush Zomorodi. She outlines beautifully why it is important for our brains to get some downtime. Especially away from the tech and how that makes us more productive when we return.

Thanks for the heads up! Going to check that book out. Cheers!

Nice. I enjoyed it. The writing is good which always makes science stuff more enjoyable.

How could we possibly take a break from Steemit to relax?

You know nothing Jon Snow!

Just kidding! I think you hit the nail on the head in this post buddy. We all need to step away from the blue light for while. We constantly fill every waking moment with technology. I don't mean every single person but definitely the majority of us spend way to much time on these devices.

We all have our own opinions on this and mine is that cable TV is the worst. Next would be smart phones there is something about these screens.

Question for Steemians: Do you think the wifi signal is harmful to our bodies?

Please let's all try and find sometime to relax! Thanks @jonsnow1983 I think I might find sometime tonight to just straight up relax.

I certainly know nothing bro, Steemit is quite hard to leave. Regarding your question I believe it's not, my body is working out pretty much well unless there's something I don't know or ignore. Cheers mate!

hahaha I certainly is hard to leave. I hope we don't hear some weird statistic in the future that wifi destroyed something in our bodies. I wonder only because it can't be natural.

I play poker @spl to get lost in the numbers and probabilities. It relaxes me to not think about anything else but the implied pot odds of a cold call on the button.

Happens to me when I play on Sundays, I just let myself go and think just about poker. It's quite good actually.

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